Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two Is Better Than One

Tomorrow expect to see some Dead Rising 2 achievements on the bounty. I really hope the co-op works properly, hopefully I haven't set myself up for major disappointment.  I have really been looking forward to this game for quite sometime.  Other than that, got back to watching some BSG. The episode I just watched has sucked me back in. Adama is such a bad ass, my favorite character on the show so far.


  1. Co-op in DR2 has some issues. Mainly that for some people everytime you save the non-host person gets kicked out. This can cost you one of the co-op achievements if you dont know when to save.

  2. I agree with your Adama comment. Lorne Greene is the man!

  3. @TheBlackDragonX When is the proper time to save?

  4. Your best off going through the case files and only manually saving when you are between casefiles and never saving when it prompts you to after completing casefiles. In other words only saving when you have to wait a set amount of time for the next case file to activate. You can then re-invite your friend back into the game while not in the middle of a case file. I have yet to test it properly though and it means you will have to do large chunks of the game without saving.
