Saturday, April 30, 2011

Completed Game #472: Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom

Perhaps a sleeper hit JR, it's a good game, almost great, if you can look past the glaring flaws such as bad voice acting and some backtracking. It reminded me of a longer version of ICO, just not quite on that level. Give it a look.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 3 out of 10

Time to complete the full 1,000 gamerscore points: 15 hours

Completed Game #471: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien

Typical kids game that doesn't have much new to offer.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 2 out of 10

Time to complete the full 1,000 gamerscore points: 8 hours

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-26-2011 - 4-27-2011

Achievement bounty 4-26-2011 - 4-27-2011 (41 Achievements) (665 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Costume Quest, Portal 2, GR - Pitfall!, Majin, and Ben 10 Ultimate Alien.

Total Gamerscore: 559,420
Total Achievements: 22,961
Total Games Played: 812
Total Completed Games: 471

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Completed Game #470: Rango

The artwork and character design reminds me of Oddworld: Strangers Wrath, which is a good thing. Rango may be easy and geared towards kids, but it's fun for the short time it will last for.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 1 out of 10

Time to complete the full 1,000 gamerscore points: 6 hours

Tip: Farm for stars on the first level boss, don't kill the rolling creature but keep killing its babies with your X charge attack for easy and fast stars.

Completed Game #469: Full House Poker

Finally something that replaces Uno as the go to arcade party game. It also makes good use of those avatar characters.
Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 4 out of 10

Time to complete full 200 Gamerscore points: Probably around 6 hours, but not entirely sure.

Price: 800 Microsoft Points

Worth 800 Microsoft Points? Yes

Completed Game #468: Costume Quest

A great example of an arcade game done right.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 2 out of 10

Time to complete full 200 Gamerscore points:  5-6 hours

Price: 1,200 Microsoft Points

Worth 1,200 Microsoft Points? Yes

Achievement Bounty 4-23-2011 - 4-25-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-23-2011 - 4-25-2011 (59 Achievements) (1,160 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Deadliest Warrior, Rango, Portal 2 and Majin.

Total Gamerscore: 558,755
Total Achievements: 22,920
Total Games Played: 810
Total Completed Games: 470

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-22-2011

Achievement bounty 4-22-2011 (7 Achievements) (85 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Game Room, Full house poker, Zombie Attack 2, and Portal 2.

Total Gamerscore: 557,595
Total Achievements: 22,861
Total Games Played: 809
Total Completed Games: 469

Friday, April 22, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-21-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-21-2011 (15 Achievements) (235 Gamerscore)
 Achievements obtained from: Costume Quest and Mortal Kombat.

Total Gamerscore: 557,510
Total Achievements: 22,854
Total Games Played: 809
Total Completed Games: 469

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-20-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-20-2011 (20 Achievements) (400 Gamerscore)
 Achievements obtained from: Limbo, Portal 2, and GR-Asteroids Deluxe.

Total Gamerscore: 557,275
Total Achievements: 22,839
Total Games Played: 809
Total Completed Games: 467

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

All Your Messages Are Belong To Me

A1ive and Awake
A1ive and Awake writes: you crazy dude. i was readin this thing from pax east and it had your tag so i looked it up. shit is crazy haham. and im not really expecting you to reply. but whatever
 TheHybridXer0 writes: You are an inspiration to all us achievement hunters out there! I only need about another 500k to catch up to ya! haha.

A great driver
A great driver writes: go 4 my ass jk go 4 the gold sweethaaht

Achievement Bounty 4-19-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-19-2011 (20 Achievements) (225 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Limbo, Mortal Kombat, and Portal 2.

Total Gamerscore: 556,875
Total Achievements: 22,819
Total Games Played: 808
Total Completed Games: 467

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Completed Game #467: GM - Centipede

It looks better than the version found in your Game Room on the Xbox 360. You don't need to fear the controls because the virtual trackball gets the job done quite nicely. Everything you do on the phone verison carries over to the Xbox 360 Game Room side and vice versa. I'm looking forward to all of the upcoming GR titles on Windows Phone 7, it adds a neat dynamic to the Game Room experience and works seamlessly.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement Bounty 4-18-2011

Achievement bounty 4-18-2011(9 Achievements) (160 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Game Room, GM- Centipede, and Limbo.

Total Gamerscore: 556,650
Total Achievements: 22,799
Total Games Played: 806
Total Completed Games: 467

Monday, April 18, 2011

Completed Game #466: Rio

Strictly a mini game compilation that is competent enough to keep anyone engaged.  The cute animals and colorful graphics are bound to draw the kiddies in. If I had a child, I wouldn't mind playing something like this with he/she, it would keep me entertained as well.

Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 1 out of 10

Time to complete the full 1,000 Gamerscore points: At least 16 hours. 6 hours of actually play but the marathon achievement (run 28 miles) takes 10+ hours more.

Completed Game #465: Mayhem 3D

I can't really comment on the 3D side of this game but if you like smashing cars up, you will find some enjoyment with Mayhem. It's not full retail price for a good reason, it's lacking depth. The only thing not lacking in depth is the car selection, there are oddly tons of vehicles at your disposal.
Amazing Great Good Decent Bad Terrible

Achievement difficulty: 2 out of 10

Time to complete full 1,000 Gamerscore points: 5 hours or less

Achievement Bounty 4-17-2011

Achievement bounty 4-17-2011 (33 Achievements) (935 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Mayhem 3D and Rio.

Total Gamerscore: 556,490
Total Achievements: 22,790
Total Games Played: 805
Total Completed Games: 466

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-16-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-16-2011 (19 Achievements) (445 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Rio, Mayhem 3D, and Monkey Island 2: SE.

Total Gamerscore: 555,555
Total Achievements: 22,757
Total Games Played: 805
Total Completed Games: 464

555,555 Gamerscore

Just 111,111 more to go before the 2/3 mark.

Six fives that pop into my mind.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

COED Magazine Interview

Raymond Cox And The Quest For 1 Million Gamerscore Points [INTERVIEW]

"You may have never heard of Raymond Cox, a.k.a Stallion83, but one thing is for sure: he has a higher Xbox Live gamerscore than you do, and he has the world records to prove it. Since 2005 – on the launch day of the Xbox 360 console – Raymond has been aggressively pursuing one million XBL achievement points – a number he hopes to be the first person in the world to reach. At 550,500 points and counting, we caught up with Raymond via email to learn how his quest got started, how it’s going and what games he looks forward to this year. After all, who better to ask than the guy who plays everything?"

The scantily dressed females on the site may sway you away from the text but you can read the full interview HERE

Achievement Bounty 4-15-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-15-2011 (40 Achievements) (665 Gamerscore)
 Achievements obtained from: Apache: Air Assault and Rio.

Total Gamerscore: 555,070
Total Achievements: 22,737
Total Games Played: 803
Total Completed Games: 464

Friday, April 15, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-14-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-14-2011 (18 Achievements) (310 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: GR: Centipede, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12, and Apache: Air Assault.

Total Gamerscore:  554,445
Total Achievements: 22,697
Total Games Played: 802
Total Completed Games: 464

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Achievement Bounty 4-13-2011

Achievement Bounty 4-13-2011 (11 Achievements) (170 Gamerscore)
 Achievements obtained from: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12, Raskulls, and Apache: Air Assault.

Total Gamerscore:  554,125
Total Achievements: 22,679
Total Games Played: 801
Total Completed Games: 464

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Achievements For Traveling!!??

Game Room - Centipede is now available on  Windows Phone 7. And it has three achievements for traveling!

Achievement Bounty 4-9-2011 - 4-12-2011

 Achievement Bounty 4-9-2011 - 4-12-2011 (27 Achievements) (785 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: CSI: Fatal Conspiracy, WWE All Stars, and Tiger Wood PGA TOUR 12.

Total Gamerscore:  553,955
Total Achievements: 22,668
Total Games Played: 801
Total Completed Games: 464

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Completed Game #464: WWE All Stars

Good<------WWE All Stars is an over the top arcade wrestling game in the same vein as NBA JAM, as if wrestling wasn't already over the top. Stacked with the greatest wrestling icons from the present and past. Sadly it's another title that suffers from PS2itis in the graphics department. The gameplay is solid and the matches tend to be shorter than your average wrestling affair. It would of been nice to see a more fleshed out career mode because it does lack depth.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Completed Game #463: CSI Fatal Conspiracy

Decent<--------It could be considered bad but since I'm no fan of the show nor am I a huge fan of point and click games, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. There's nothing really wrong with the game except for the fact it could easily run on the PS2. That ancient hardware needs to be taken behind the woodshed and shot repeatedly. Yes, the PS2 is like a bad scary movie. Even though it should be dead, it keeps coming for more. I'll personally make it my life goal to throw that grizzly technology into the fires of Mount Doom. Ken Kutaragi will obviously play the role of Gollum, squirming at ever turn for his precious to be returned.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The @#$%ing Motherload

Achievement Bounty 3-29-2011 - 4-8-2011 (311 Achievements) (7,207 Gamerscore)
Achievements obtained from: Truth or Lies, WWE All Stars, MindJack, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Monster Jam: Path of Destruction, Majin, Apache: Air Assault, Bioshock 2, Carnival Games, CSI: Fatal Conspiracy, Full House Poker, Costume Quest, Deadliest Warrior, Crazy Taxi, Unbound Saga, Comic Jumper, Fable: Coin Golf.

The best of this bunch is Marvel vs Capcom 3 followed by Comic Jumper.

Total Gamerscore:  553,170
Total Achievements: 22,641
Total Games Played: 800
Total Completed Games: 462

Completed Game #462: Fable: Coin Golf

Good<---------A fun little pocket game that anyone can enjoy in tiny chunks. Shuffleboard meets Pinball.

800 Xbox 360 Games Played

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy being lucky number 800. Seems just like yesterday I made a blog post about playing 700 games. The  800 now are a true smorgasbord and I'm enjoying it greatly. The question I get a lot is how can I stomach the utterly crappy games. Forever or until I decide to hang up my controller, I will always be wired like this. I'm like the Wilt Chamberlain of gaming, one game isn't enough, I gotta big dipper into them all.

Completed Game #461: Comic Jumper

Great<---------Not sure how this stayed under my radar for so long since I do love the other Twisted Pixel games. One of best arcade games I've had the pleasure of playing this year. A comic book game done right and hilarious. I fell in love with most of the characters as well, which is rare for me.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Completed Game #460: Unbound Saga


Bad <-----------It looks good for a beat 'em up but I would rather play those terrible looking beat 'em ups from the past. It does have online co-op! I'm looking at you every other arcade game that failed to do so when it makes perfect sense.

Achievement Difficulty: 3 out of 10

Completed Game #459: Monster Jam: Path of Destruction


Bad <---------- Smashing things like cars, trailers, and your own monster truck should be a lot cooler.

Achievement Difficulty:  2 out of 10

Time to complete full 1,000 Gamerscore: 6 hours

Completed Game #458: MindJack

Decent <----------- Some really innovative ideas going to work. However, the development team either didn't have the time, skill, or resources to make it something really special. It was different and that is the best quality of this game.

A Pile of Windows Phone 7 Reviews

I have been slacking on the Windows Phone 7 updates so I thought I'd give you all a month in review. Including next weeks release of Harbor Master.

Monday, April 4, 2011

550,000 Down, 450,000 To Go

Just a few minutes ago I got to the 550,000 Gamerscore mark by unlocking an achievement in Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Completed Game #457: Truth or Lies

This game does not work as advertised. Terrible! Easy achievements, skunk nasty in every other way.

Achievement Difficulty: 1 out of 10 (Although it can be a slight pain since the game doesn't work at all)

Time to complete the full 1,000: Under 2 hours

Tip: To get the game to register a lie you want to eek into the mic at the highest pitch you can get at. My cat won't come around me anymore :\ Why would you want to lie? There are a few achievements tied to telling sweet little lies.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm Taking My Talents To Tokyo (PlayStation Network)

My journey to 1 million gamerscore has taken an exciting yet unconventional turn today. The fine folks over at Sony have made me an offer that I can't refuse.