Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back from a slight hibernation

I've been trying to save my mojo for console heroes upcoming Gamer Score League (GSL) that starts up in mid June. If you have a team and you are interested in such a thing, sign up your team here. If you don't have a team and you want to be placed on a team, sign up is here for individuals. Before you do either, please read the rules so you know what is going on.

The MachiNes are back..sorta. Two new members are joining this time. Smrnov, tjayars, A completionist, and myself. I think we have a team that can win it all. I always tell myself that I won't do these things anymore, but I always end up doing them. I see it as extra motivation and another push to get me to that 1,000,000.

200 retail games are now complete. The DLC may be missing in some of those, but original achievements in 200 games are completed. I think I did that sometime last week with the completion of Wanted.

The Nba playoffs is another reason I've been MIA for the most part. I've been watching as many games as possible. The most exciting series thus far would be Boston vs Chicago. Boston is really hurting without KG. It looks like the Lakers and Cavs might be on a collision course to meet in the finals. GO LA! Play some defense and that championship is yours.

So look for me to be more active in gaming, blogging, and on twitter. Also look out for achievement specific game reviews coming soon.

If you haven't signed up for Trueachievements.com yet, I can't recommend it enough. So go sign up!

Omega Deez and Majinfro are in a race to 200,000. I don't usually get caught up in these race things, but this might be one to watch. I certainly have my popcorn popped. Let me know who you think will win. I'm wearing my team omega shirt, I think Rand al made his team Fro shirt. The battle is on and hopefully I just added more fuel to the fire.

Monday, April 20, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Bananaster80 writes: ok i no u r getting tired of getting messages from me but i was wondering if the hannah montana game has coop could u be a horse then i brush ur maine

Answer: I'm not sure if it has co-op. You can brush my maine under one condition, you have to stay in my line of sight.

Apocalyptoo writes: hello im just a tiny little guy from germany i would be very pruod if i could be in your "all messages are belong to me " on 1milliongamerscore.com.go on like that im proud of you(sorry for my bad english)

pinkpanfa writes: You are a celebrity. The Leroy Jenkins of XBox. The Wilt Chamberlain of Gamerscores. You are everything from the Voltron cartoon introduction. The legend of Stallion, defender of the Gamerscore. Amighty player,loved by good feared by evil. U know

Answer: Well said! I'm none of those but that was funny as hell.

wackomann writes: Dude, do you charge people to be on your friends list?

Answer: They have to go through an audition process, kinda like American Idol. Rand al thor 19 can juggle 18 flame swords at once.

Hopeless Sloth writes: On a scale of 6 to Amazing, 9,000 being the highest and -1,337 being the lowest. I'd give you a Sandwich

Answer: I would like a sandwich.

swagger116 writes: Hey babes, I would love it if you came over to my place and beat me a leather whip, could you do that for me?


xRiddiK writes: Hi,I like flower's, Do you like flowers? they're very pretty. Almost as pretty as your eyes.*coughs* any who back on topic, I would like to proudly say that i have finally decided to send you a message saying, Goodjob,Think we ever have a chance

Answer: Not really a flower kind of guy.

LusciousOldMan writes: id make love 2 ur gamerscore

Answer: For the low low price of $29.99, your dream can become a reality.

ALMAINER writes: just out of intrest is your website legite

Answer: I use gamesaves to write my blogs.

esler writes: do you ever think ur gs will reach 1 mil before the end of 360

Answer: No, but I believe there will be more than enough to get 1,000,000 just on xbox 360 when it's all said and done. I believe your gamerscore will carry over to the next system also, it only makes sense.

AcHiEvMeNtSlave writes: hey stallion good work on the 300k. Is it possible that i could be on your friends list just for a week just would have some major bragging rights with my workmates who have xboxs to say i have the number1 GS leader on my list even if its just a week

Answer: You can just tell them you were on "all your messages are belong to me" forever.

GYP SET GIBSON writes: hey man i think u are awsome and a true hardcore gamer an insperation for me as i am now addicted to getting acheivments so i sent u a friend request and to all those haters f*** them your the man

NECKSHREDDA writes: hey bro congrats to 300k nd i just wana say urr like an idol cuz yu prove yu can get that high doing it legit... thanks man nd maybe one day i might be up tjere with ya...good luck to yurr 7 digits i check yurr site everyday lol..... later bro

Friday, April 10, 2009

Slow week

I've been playing a lot of Gears of war 2. Consistently inconsistent is what you will find with extended online play. It pisses me off more than any game in the history of all games. It is just a broken experience that will probably never be addressed. I've still found a way to have fun with it, but gears of war 3 has a lot to prove. I love horde, I love co-op, but online play is a disaster no matter how you slice it. The new experience system is all right, it takes over 6 million experience to reach level 100. I am currently at level 31. I would say it takes around 500 hours to get to level 100.

Do not play MLB 2k9. What the hell is up with 2k servers? When did EA buy 2k? I kid. Another frustrating game that I've been working on. I finally have most of the cards done,just a few more things until I am completely done with it.

Monsters vs Aliens is the bright spot compared to gears of war 2 grinding and collecting stupid MLB cards. It is a very simple kids game that doesn't have you collecting a bunch of crap. Sure, you have to collect DNA, but it is everywhere. The big deal will be getting those last few achievements because you WILL have to grind. It is a pretty fun game though. I enjoy the bob levels the best. I usually hate these kids games but I like this one. It could be the concept, I dunno.

Things will pick up for me soon. Riddick and The Godfather will make me happy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Coming clean

I have not been honest with everyone over the years. This is what all the haters and cheaters have been waiting for. I am coming clean. I did not obtain all my gamerscore alone. I had someone else helping me out. I am sincerely sorry to everyone I lied to or believed in me. Maybe my close friends can find a way to forgive me, but I know everyone else will turn on me in a heartbeat.

I guess you are wondering who has been helping me over the years. Here is the gamertag that has been helping me.

It's april 2nd now so April fools day is over. If you didn't click on the gamertag it's gamertag April Fools. Thus the thing was a joke. So to those that I fooled, take that you cracka ass mo fo's.