Thursday, September 29, 2011

LIMITED-TIME Offer for 20% Off Of Xtendplay: STALLION20 *NO LONGER VALID*

Limited-Time Offer! Use check-out code STALLION20 to get a whopping 20% off your XtendPlay purchase. Hurry because this offer ends 9/30/11

I also must note that if you are not completely satisfied with the product you can return it for a full refund. Details: HERE

Yes, it looks strange. But it really does make a difference. I have used mine for almost a year now and I wouldn't play without it.

The Collection Piece by Piece - Kengo: Legend of The 9

What I'm Searching For

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #7

Lucky number 7 is here! Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their  gaming highlights and low lights of the week, Gears of War 3, Gamerscore League 10,  answer some listener questions, and an update on the week to week leaderboards/achievement guessing game.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Make sure to stick around after the outro music for the always entertaining bloopers reel.

Stream Below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #7 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

The Collection Piece by Piece - Super Mario Bros 2

Okay, so maybe I do have a few retro things left but I got this after the house fire in 2000.  I literally have nothing from my childhood, I had to buy a piece back on ebay.

See, even Mario thinks you should eat your veggies.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Collection Piece by Piece - Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm

There's a crab joke here somewhere. Oh....... I'd rather catch crabs then play this one ever again.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Collection Piece by Piece - Viva Piñata

Don't let the bright colors fool you into thinking this is a game strictly for children. It offers depth, originality, and is playable for all ages.

Gamerscore Progress Update

Total Gamerscore: 613,020
Total Achievements: 25,522
Total Games Played: 907
Total Completed Games: 522

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Collection Piece by Piece - The Orange Box

One of the best bangs for your buck that you will find. 99 achievements out da box!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Collection Piece by Piece - Gears of War 3

Oooooh That Smell, Can Ya Smell That Smell?

Expecting anything else would be uncivilized.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Gamerscore Progress Update

I've neglected to do the daily bounties the last couple of weeks and I'm not sure if I can keep up with it over the next few months. The achievement pictures are done manually and It takes awhile just to do that. I'm trying to find a way to have it update automatically, which would be sweet.

Total Gamerscore: 611,410
Total Achievements: 25,416
Total Games Played: 901
Total Completed Games: 522

A few weeks back I got horde master in Gears 2 JPN. All 29 maps Wave 1- 50 in horde. Takes ages. 

The Collection Piece by Piece - Every Party Chinese

Never really wanted to do this before but I have a lot of people ask about the collection and all that jazz.

I feel like a huge dork doing this, but whatever.

All my retro stuff burnt in a house fire back in 2000, so all my ancient goodies are in ashes. :(

Every Party Chinese - Good luck finding it

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #6

Episode 6 is here and is the longest show yet. Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their massive list of gaming highlights and low lights of the week, Gamerscore League 10, Gears of War 3, answer some brilliant listener questions, and an update on the week to week leaderboards/achievement guessing game.Stallion83 takes the hot seat this week for the get to know your host segment.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Make sure to stick around after the outro music for the always entertaining bloopers reel.

Stream Below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #6 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

All Your Messages Are Belong To Me

Just a few messages.


hi go 100million you good man iam korean

Stallion83: 100Million is a bit out of reach if I do say so myself.

XnS x SaUsAgE
Hi Ray wats up, I was just wondering where you buy an xtendplay it would be a massive help if you replied GOOD LUCK WITH THE 1000000G YOU ARE POSSIBLY THE COOLEST HUMAN TO WALK ON EARTH

Stallion83: If you're from the US you can get them at or from amazon. If you're from Europe you can get them at 

Code STALLION at checkout will get you 10% off.

Max Addic7
i want to get an extendplay they seem alot better

oh is that ur g/f in that WIN video?

Stalion83: XtendPlay has helped me out a lot. Yep, that's my girlfriend.

Hey I love your podcast also congrats on 100000 points on true achivements

Stallion83: Thanks for listening!

Hey man my name is Ryan from Missouri, I just wanted you to know that you are my hero and i aspire to be as awsome as you. KEEP IT UP!!!!!!

Stallion83: :)

i dont mean to pester u but i would really be honored to have u on my fr list

big fan-is 1 million g possible??

Stallion83: It is indeed it achievable now.

Friday, September 16, 2011

360voice Gears Of War 3 Achievement Challenge

Planning on getting Gears of War 3 on release day and unlocking a ton of achievements? Who isn't?

Check out the 360voice Brotherbood challenge and get in on over $10,000 worth of total prizes.

"The Challenge begins at midnight (PST) on September 20, 2011 and ends at midnight (PST) October 20, 2011."

The team with the highest combined gamerscore splits a pot of $5,500 and the 2nd place team splits a pot of $3,000. Not too shabby.


Join my group if you plan on producing a lot of Gamerscore in Gears 3 within that month.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

1,000,000 TrueAchievement Score

Maybe not 1,000,000 Gamerscore but still a huge feat which took almost 6 years to accomplish.

Don't confuse with gamerscore. Gamerscore total is the bottom number.

The achievement I used to cross the 1,000,000 TA mark on 9-11 was from Dead Island which was School of hard knocks.

A friend pointed out to me on facebook that something about the timing of this was ironic. The Entourage series finale ended just 15 minutes prior to me unlocking the School of hard knocks achievement and getting passed 1,000,000 TA score. The Xbox LIVE gamerpic most recognize me for is one that hasn't changed in over 5 years now which is of Jeremy Piven who plays Ari Gold in the series. It was the end of a long running series and the end of a fictional character, but this is  far from the end for me. I'm just getting started.

Here is the Last scene with Ari Gold. SPOILERS!

If you haven't signed up for Trueachievements you probably should. A great site to keep tabs on your stats and achievement progress of yourself and friends.

Look for more about my 1,000,000 TA accomplishment on TA soon.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #5

Episode 5 is ALIVE! Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their gaming highlights and low lights of the week, Gamerscore League 10, upcoming releases, answer some listener questions about gaming snacks, and an update on the week to week leaderboards/achievement guessing game. StophJ stays cool in the the hot seat this week for the get to know your host segment.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Make sure to stick around after the outro music for the always entertaining bloopers reel.

Stream Below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #5 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dead Island Impressions

I've been playing the living hell out of Dead Island and I'm loving it.  If you like zombies, quests, gore, killing with melee weapons, 4 player co-op, and loot then you will more than likely enjoy it. Reminds me of Fallout 3, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, and Dead Rising all mixed up. It's far from perfect and there are several problems that I would like to see ironed out for the sequel WHEN it does happen in a few years time.

The characters leave a lot to be desired and so do the graphics. Money is also a problem because I never seem to have enough. You basically spend all of your scratch on repairing weapons as they deteriorate extremely fast, which is very annoying because you are constantly fixing them. All. Of. The. Time.

My expectations were not very high for this game. I knew it had 4 player co-op and you get to kill zombies on an island which already had me sold. That amazing trailer from earlier this year drove the nail into the coffin and sold me even further. It is way better than I thought it would be. Much deeper.

This could be my favorite zombie game of all. 

Is it worth $60? Yes.

How about the achievements? Don't expect this to be a short completion because there is some grinding involved. Easily over 30 hours, but I wouldn't be surprised if it pushed the 50 hour mark.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dead Island - Can't Touch This Achievement Guide

Find a hammer or have a friend give you his in a coop game. Make sure to upgrade it and have it fully repaired before attempting the above. You cannot take any damage during the 15 kills. 

Kick is your best friend (LB) use it to keep enemies off of you and to weaken them. Be sure the final blow comes from dropping the hammer down.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #4

Omega is out so we are a man down for the second week in a row, but the show must go on. Stallion83, StophJ, Pigimus Prime, and Phatal1ty talk about their gaming highlights and low lights of the week, games from the past that they would like to see put on the Xbox360 with achievements, answer some listener questions, and an update on the week to week leaderboards/achievement guessing game. Phatal1ty finds herself in a hot seat for the get to know your host segment with no duvet to hide under.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Make sure to stick around after the outro music for the always entertaining bloopers reel.

Stream Below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #4 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Xbox LIVE Friend Hasn't Had A Glass of Water in Over 2 Years

And he needs your help!

My Xbox LIVE friend  Bond OO7 has a serious problem. He told us earlier this morning that he doesn't drink water, only soda and energy drinks, and this has been going on for years. Obviously bad news and the sooner he corrects this massive mistake, the less damage he will do to his body in the long run. He is still relatively young so he can and should correct this now before getting some God awful disease in the future.

Bond needs your help

I have decided to stage an intervention of sorts for Bond by way of Xbox LIVE message system.

Please send Bond OO7 a message on LIVE about why he should drink more water or just mention water to him. Be creative or inspiring if you like but DO NOT be negative towards him. 

If you do send him a message be sure to post your gamertag and the message you sent in the comments below. I'll giveaway two items randomly. 1,600 Microsoft points card and a signed XtendPlay.

I will know if you actually sent the message because I'll check with him.

Lets help get Bond OO7 on the right track.


Thanks for your help.

Achievement Bounty 8-31-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-30-2011 
(34 Achievements) (730 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Madden NFL 12 and Fight Game Rivals. 

Total Gamerscore: 604,895

Total Achievements: 25,146 
Total Games Played: 890
Total Completed Games: 513