Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Road to The Million: Going S.A.M. Day: 2,199

  • 6 years, 8 days
  • 189,993,600 seconds
  • 3,166,560 minutes
  • 52,776 hours
  • 314 weeks 

  • Total Gamerscore: 657,346
  • Total Achievements: 27,316
  • Total Games Played: 984
  • Total Completed Games: 552

I got roughly 20 minutes of gaming in today. Tried out Generator Rex and that just didn't do it for me. First impression: one of the worst games I've played in a while not counting Kinect games. To me it looks somewhat identical to Team Fortress 2 in graphics with all the orange colors and the non realistic models. 

Gen Rex 
To be fair I haven't given it a fair shake, nor did I even feel like playing. But it's highly unlikely that I will find enjoyment out of it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Road to The Million: Going H.A.M. Day: 2,198

  • 6 years, 7 days
  • 189,907,200 seconds
  • 3,165,120 minutes
  • 52,752 hours
  • 314 weeks

Total Gamerscore: 657,286
Total Achievements: 27,313
Total Games Played: 983
Total Completed Games: 552

I really can't say I went H.A.M at all today and this mini cold isn't helping but I'm trying to power through it. I feel like I'm about to hit a scoring slump but I'm trying to counteract that, I just don't know how. A light gun game sans a light gun is probably not helping since it's basically a big heaping pile of fail. I'm talking about Cabela's Survival: SoK and that is what I tried to play today. It plays like crap without the gun and really is no fun and the actual story mode is a joke in length. It's different from the other cabela's games, both a good and a bad thing, as there's a lot of clambering/shimming up icy rocks. I probably ended up getting a few hundred points today just going through the motions. There are a lot of achievements tied to the shooting gallery portion and that seems even less fun without the gun.

Moral of the story: get the damn light gun to play this game, it was the way it was intended to be played. The problem I have is this; I haven't gotten a new light gun in roughly 24 years. Is there a way to convert the zapper male end to USB? There needs to be. You can't hold those new guns with a side grip, the only way I roll.

    Sunday, November 27, 2011

    The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #16

    Episode 16 is here! Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their gaming highlights and low lights of the week, news and the lone game being released this upcoming week, answer some listener questions, and another "who am I" mini game question is dished out by a new member of the podcast. Send answers to E-mail:  Winner gets Lara Croft Guardian of Light for XBLA. We are also giving away a 1,600 Microsoft point card but you will have to listen to find out the details.

    If you want to be heard on the show, please call  (520) 477-6701 and leave us a message with your questions, suggestions, comments or just a shout out.

    Make sure to stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

    Stream Below

    Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #16 (right click to save as)

    Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

    Sunday, November 20, 2011

    The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #15

    Episode 15 is here! Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their gaming highlights and low lights of the week, news and upcoming releases, tackle the rumored next Xbox, answer some listener questions, and a new "who am I" mini game question is dished out. Send answers to E-mail:

    If you want to be heard on the show, please call  (520) 477-6701 and leave us a message with your questions, comments or just a shout out.

    Make sure to stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

    Stream Below

    Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #15 (right click to save as)

    Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

    The Final Countdown

    To reach a similar countdown I would need a gamerscore of 7,654,321. Not happening.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    The Collection Piece by Piece - Xbox Turns 10: Xbox Launch Stuff

    A very rare wallscroll used to promote Halo in Japan some months later.

    And that's me a full 10 years ago on senior trip just before the Xbox arrived. Boy does time fly.

    I could not find a single one of my original "duke" Xbox controllers to take a picture of which is odd since I have at least 3 of them hiding somewhere around here.

    I just remember being blown away by Halo, PGR being extremely fun and DoA having jaw dropping  graphics.

    I did get my system at midnight on launch day with these games.

    I had a PlayStation too, in fact, I bought that at midnight on launch day as well a year prior. Xbox appealed to me more than Playstation over time because Microsoft focused on online gaming more so than Sony did. It was built-in the box and I definitely saw what was coming.

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    Sunday, November 13, 2011

    The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #14

    We are a man down this week and that would be the swine.  Stallion83, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty put  Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3 in a steel cage match to see which one comes out victorious, touch on their brief experience with Skyrim, talk about their many gaming highlights and low lights of the week, dish out some news and upcoming releases, answer some listener questions, and throw in a new mini game called, "who am I?" for our listeners to answer. Send those answers to E-mail:

    If you want to be heard on the show, please call  (520) 477-6701 and leave us a message with your questions, comments or just a shout out.

    Make sure to stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

    Stream Below

    Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #14 (right click to save as)

    Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

    Saturday, November 12, 2011

    The Collection Piece by Piece - Skylanders

    I thought Skylanders was good fun. If you have a younger kid between 6 -14, he/she will want this game. Don't forget to get them extra character packs, because they will want those as well and there's quite a few to choose from.

    Gamerscore wise: Not too difficult and should take roughly 12-15 hours to fully complete. I had fun even though I felt like a big dork buying it. You do not need extra characters to get the full thousand. The three that come in the box will get the job done.

    Friday, November 11, 2011

    Sunday, November 6, 2011

    The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #13

    Episode 13 is here! Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk about their gaming highlights and low lights of the week, news and upcoming releases, and answer some listener questions.

    If you want to be heard on the show, please call  (520) 477-6701 and leave us a message with your questions, comments or just a shout out.

    Make sure to stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

    Stream Below

    Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #13 (right click to save as)

    Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

    The Collection Piece by Piece - Family Game Night 4: The Game Show

    A little time consuming but very easy for gamerscore. FGN4 takes roughly 12-14 hours to 1k and I currently sit at 660.

    Jessie is one of the producers on the game over at EA Salt Lake and he was kind enough to sign and send me a copy of his game. Thanks again, man!

    Saturday, November 5, 2011

    Gamerscore Progress Update

    Total Gamerscore: 646,074
    Total Achievements: 26,847
    Total Games Played: 963
    Total Completed Games: 542

    At almost 350,000 gamersocre away, I'm finally seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel and that is a first. Still, 350,000 is a hell of a lot. The million is not going to happen overnight, or even in a year, but it will probably happen sooner than you think.