Monday, September 27, 2010

Silenced The Haters

The new dashboard must have a hater auto detection system built in because the haters have been silenced and my inbox isn't full of their nonsense. I figured it was something to bring up since those types of messages have completely disappeared from my posts over the last couple of weeks. I guess my approach to the entire thing worked out for me. Over the course of time I've been asked why I post mostly hate messages. Easy, because it's funny to me and I really don't give a shit what some faceless, nameless, gamertag says about me. I'm not afraid to let everyone read what is said. I could hide the hate and post sappy love letters, but I won't hide the fact that a ton of people hate me. Just look at the comments section on some of the blog posts. There are a ton of hate messages and I could delete every last one of them, but I don't.

There was a good amount of hate over the last couple of years and now it's just dead. Don't get me wrong, I love not having that, just wondering what changed. I'm going to sleep now and when my head hits my comfy pillow, a smirk will arise like the morning sun on my face because I know I've defeated every last one of you mother fuckers. Even if you crop back up, it will no longer matter. I have done the impossible. Silenced the haters.

I already regret writing that.


  1. What have you done? Now they will come in droves, every single one of them. For me, your most hated post is still Guiness Book of Records one, literally over a hundred of hate entries, surelly a record? Keep it up with the gamerscore hunting. Cheers.

  2. Wait how did you get the new dash already?

  3. I'm pretty sure that people on the old dashboard can not communicate with the new dashboard. As soon as everyone gets the update and is on the same system, the messages will return. Don't quote me on this, but I think I heard something about that. Voice chat over games won't work either (between the two different dashboards, that is).

  4. lol, the new dash still allows messaging and game chat...

  5. Any plans for what happens when you break 500k?

  6. @StophJ GO OUTSIDE GET A LIFE AND GET LAID! Congrats man.

  7. Hopefully it just means people are growing up, which is doubtful but we can hope.

  8. StophJ, you didn't read my post. I said that the OLD DASH can not communicate with the NEW DASH, I didn't say that the new dash was getting rid of those features. All the haters are on the old dash, but Stallion is on the new dash beta, so the haters can not contact him because they are running the different dashboards and the two types can't communicate with each other. Once everyone is forcibly upgraded to the new dash then they'll be able to start bothering him again. Pay attention.

  9. You can communicate by way of text, but not voice.

  10. i heard you cant communicate between dashes at all

  11. it's kinda of funny that the new dash was leaked and been like that for a weeks now.if one would get the new dash they can't come online,And when the dash does come out and you do get on with the leaked dash I heard you will get banned.Something seems really strange that you stallion would have this.

    Considering that something bad might happen in the end but w/e anyway this is why I never would put the board on my box becuz stupid shit might happen and I got banned already for crap so not this time :P

    Anyway goodluck with 500,000.
