Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

THE253sGREATEST writes: i saw ur video.. if u got a real job u could get a nice tv and house instead of being addicted. WHAT DO U DO 4 A LIVING? I GET ACHIEVEMENTS HAHAHAHA
2nd message:YOU ARE A LOSER!!!!!! full 1000 in madden 10 god almighty. please play me in ufc so i can kick your ass so you dont have the satisfaction of getting an achievement you loser hahahahaha get a life

S83: That was the TV at the cabin or resort I stayed at....not mine

xTBM TaLeNTzZx writes: Your a f**king queer c**t and you need to get out more f**k sake man sort your sh*tty f**king life out you smelly fat american b*****d sad c**t. You have no f**king social life that doesnt involve your f**king xbox 360 now that is f**king sad.

Donkey Spoof writes: you will die alone

IN IE V II IN S writes: Wow, rape more gamerscore you sad c*nt. Turn your xbox off every once in a while.

FallenxxSoldier writes: you have absolutely no life... sorry but its true

HerbalCardshark writes: u hav no life!

BEASTLY NOOBxxx writes: nice gamerscore ever had sex?


Adam4ever writes: you are my idol.

Vx ST0RM xV wrties: i love u

Hot Glue writes: Envy Mode [on] off

woolybaabaa writes: Your the xbox god !

COSMIC SAMURAI writes: you are truely an achievement god!!

LEgiTxP3RS14NxX writes: my friend rudy has a crush on u

Kitty Jerker123 writes: YOU ARE GOD

Sniper Sam 07 writes: (clap)(clap) well done good god your profile is amazing

youngmaxwell941 writes: Dude ur a fu**in beast. Good luck on 1mill

meowmixmix writes: when i saw ur gamerscore i had a sudden urge to make out with u. love ur secret admirer.

Ham105 writes: you are the god of gamerscore i will be checking 1 million GS till it is done congrats on the 1/3 mark

TERPaholic writes: Hey dude love your blog and everything. Keep up the good work and don't let the haters bring you down. Peace.

Havk1nKn1ght writes: dude ur sick man keep it up i think that its super tight. cant wait to see 500,000 u got my support. you gotta be a master to get some of the crap u have got. good luck and dont worry about the haters just enjoy what you do man. -HavkinKnight

S83: Thank you all for the kind words.

billyjimmy4726 writes:my name is william and i like finger nail ppppppollish

S83:Rand al?

o iTwiSteD o writes: yo yo yo stallion whats good bro call xbox get this kid reset yo i need u rank 1 in the world f*ck this profile glitcher

S83: I think they got rid of whoever you are talking about.

WWAR SKYWALK3R writes: r u the guy with the GAMERSCORE

S83:I guess I'm the dude with the gamerscore.

Furious Gunman writes: I have a question that you'll look at and not give it a second thought, but then later you will find out that this is the most enlightening question you have heard. My question: Why? Such a simple question yet so much meaning. Reply if you want to.

S83: To be honest with you, there really is no simple answer.

TW1STED INSANE writes: which gamesaving site are you joined up to? and how did you learn to HEX edit good enough to not get reset!!!!!

S83: None and I don't have the slightest clue on how to HEX anything.

xGrenadeJumper7 writes: Don't you ever feel like giving up? You're just so far away, it takes real determination to do what you do.

S83: The thought has crossed my mind in the past but that was a while ago. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Big Kahuna


That is how many points per day I need to reach 400,000 before the clock strikes 12 midnight on January 1, 2010. For whatever reason, I want to hit 400,000 before next year. I told Rand al Thor I wanted to do it about a month and a half ago and he said it couldn't be done.

As I am writing this I have exactly 356,008. I need 43,992 in 135 days to reach 400,000. I feel like I can make it for a few reasons. The massive amount of games being released within the next 3-4 months, not to mention the overall quality of the games are generally better. Another reason being I am in a groove. A groove that has eluded me for years. I wish I could tell you "How Stallion got his groove back" but for whatever reason I feel like I could even pop pimp my ride in and swallow it whole without hating myself. I usually feel worn out after a gamerscore league is complete. I am going to ride this wave like the Big Kahuna.

I am also sitting on exactly 499 games played. I'm not sure when I will pop in another one for 500. It will be either Wolfy, Shadow Complex, BCF, or The new Batman game.

Completion % mumbo jumbo. I care and I don't care about it. I just think it would be silly to avoid a game that I know I would enjoy just because it is damn near impossible to complete. Before the gamerscore league started I was closing in on 90%. While the league was going on I somehow managed to drop it below 85%. I basically killed it with about 5 or 6 games I played for maybe an hour or less a piece. I've been able to resuscitate it somewhat and now it is back to 86.50%. I guess I will try to get it to 90% and keep it there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The MachiNe Team wins H2H GSL Season 5

It's not official yet so I don't have the final scores. I will post stats and other things once they are made official.

I just want to thank a few people for making it possible. The MachiNes, Cru, Mango, Rand, Fro, Omega, Apple, and Tennis. Last but not least, Console Heroes. If you have been following my blog you may recall the bad taste season 4 left in my mouth. All that bitterness is now gone and Console Heroes has a good gamerscore league that I can highly recommend.

Not much is known about he future of the MachiNes, but I have a feeling we will be back in some fashion.

Smrnov hit em in the mouth on the final day and I thought this video might be fitting. Thanks to smrnov for providing the home video. I can't believe they ganged up on you like this man. The part where Danny Dibo tells Tommy to put you in a body bag was really uncalled for.

More info when scores become official.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A day in the life

H2H Gamerscore league Finals: Day 1 The MachiNe Team VS You got a Bad Draw

We face off against a single team for 4 days.

5:40 am -- I've run my course. 13 achievements 150 points in Wanted weapons of fate GR. Not sure how many achievements I unlocked, but I scored over 5,300. Spent.

4:56am -- still playing Wanted. Getting REALLY tired

4:04am -- Installed Wanted weapons of fate GR. Playing that now.

3:42am -- 2 achievements unlocked for 130 in hot wheels beat that. Don't know what is next.

2:58am -- Had a Yogurt and a piece of bread lol. Got a vitamin water 10 also.

2:51am -- starving, going to find something to eat.

2:49am -- switching to PAL console to play Hot wheel beat that french.

2:44am -- 31 achievements for 890 in NaTM. Getting tired. over 5,000 for the day.

12:36am -- 3 achievements for 140 points in ice age. Got more water. Onto NatM

12:22am -- xbox live is back up for me. Still playing Ice Age, going to get something in this before i switch.

11:57 -- I hooked up my Japanese system to see if it would connect to live and no dice. I am going to hook back up my American system and farm for berries in ice age since I spent them like a jackass. Hopefully live comes back soonish....

11:49 -- Next time I do a big day like this I will wait until live goes down before I shower.

11:40 -- I blame avatar clothing and items for this downtime.

11:36 -- I feel like a race horse at the starting gate. Just let me out! *Nose Flare*

11:32 -- I guess xbox live is down for many people. Thanks for ruining my flow M$. I had 5k today in my sights.

11:09 -- I think I just got screwed by the xbox live preview program. I hit cancel and I think it just canceled on my American system

11:06 -- Can't connect to xbox live.

10:52 -- blah, I can't believe i bought multiplayer items with my berries. wtf. 22 achievements unlocked for 505. Night at the freaking Museum next.

10:20 -- Still going with ice age. Messed up by buying stuff I didn't need. :( I didn't know you had to buy crystals , I bought everything BUT crystals. Going to eat some pizza.

9:25 -- Still plugging away at ice age. Still have a little monster left.

7:43 -- Playing Ice age

7:41 -- up to 3,500 so far today

7:35 -- took a shower. Had a weak sauce work out with 120 sit-ups (my mind said get to 5k and you can do this tomorrow) More water, when i mention water I am drinking 20oz clips. Had a salad with ranch and a few cherries. I'm just getting started. Unleashed the secret weapon which is a monster energy drink. This is some good stuff.

6:57 -- 2 achievements for 125 in SBK. Break from xbox time. Maybe a little bit of exercise and shower. I will unleash the secret weapon when I return.

6:22 -- 1 achievement 50 points in SBK.

6:13 -- switching to Smerican xbox and SBK. Getting more water

6:04 -- 3 achievements for 260 in Tomb Raider Underworld JP. Missed the final relic somehow, gonna go back and get it.

5:09 -- Tomb Raider Underworld JP time

5:04 -- 3 achievements unlocked for 60 points in BiA HH JP

4:57 -- 1 achievement 100 points in BiA HH JP. Don't know what is next yet.

4:47 -- Playing BiA HH JP

4:45 -- had pastrami & turkey on wheat,Low fat cottage cheese and Raspberries.

4:30 -- Lonely? You might want to import Time Leap, it's a dating sim. 1 achievement for 180 points. TL is done. Going to uninstall this garbage and install BiA: HH JP. I will eat while it installs.

4:02 -- Got more water

3:55pm -- 1 achievement worth 180 unlocked in Time leap. 1 more character to go. It's almost time to break out the secret weapon.

3:25pm -- 33 achievements unlocked for 950 in Sega Mega. Returning to the living room and Japanese xbox to play time leap. Getting warmer.

3:14pm -- Still going at Sega Mega

2:17pm -- Making good progress but I have a massive headache.

1:41pm -- Switching to Sega Mega and having a cascadian farm organic chocolate chip granola bar. Just warming up.

1:36pm -- Hot wheels french is boring me to death. 3 achievements unlocked for 130. Going to get more water then maybe switch to Sega mega drive collection.

12:34pm -- Time leap will have to wait. Moving to the bedroom where my PAL 360 is hooked up for some Hot Wheels french toast.

12:12pm -- Still time leaping. 1 more achievement worth 180 point unlocked.

11:31am -- 2 achievements for 360 in time leap. Going to fill up on water and brush my grill. Then back to time leap.

10:49am -- Had a bowl of kashi honey sunshine cereal with skim milk. Got a bottle of water and hooked up Japanese xbox for time leap.

10:43am -- Didn't have to watch the credit roll. Still going to eat.

10:40am -- Eating while the credits roll. 7 achievements unlocked for 200 points in G-force

10:16am -- Going to play G-force instead. Forgot about it.

10:13am -- Enough of that. 5 achievements for 75 points in uno rush. Hooking up Japanese 360 for time leap.

9:45am -- 7 achievements for 370 points in ski-doo. Uno rush next.

9:06am -- Gets another cup of coffee

9:02am -- 6 achievements for 110 points in NatM. Putting in ski-doo

8:48am -- 1 achievement 100 points in SBK. Puts in Night at the Museum

8:32am -- not looking forward to all this today. It's going to be a grind.

8:27am -- 1 achieve 25 points. Pops in SBK

8:21am -- Puts in high school musical 3: Senior year

8:19am -- It's on like Donkey Kong: 1 achievement 40 points. Gears 2

8:17:am -- Smrnov and tj have us off to a good start

8:14:am -- Coffee done! pops in gears of war 2

8:05 AM -- Making some Coffee, turned on my American 360.

8:00:AM -- Just woke up and slept good (5 hours)

Monday, August 3, 2009

The MachiNe Team makes GSL Finals

We will be facing You got a Bad Draw in Season 5 H2HGSL finals over at Console Heroes. The action begins this Thursday. I will be doing another "a day in the life" all day Thursday. Go MachiNes!

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Click on the cards for larger view.

S83: Hands down, Hannah.

S83: No, but I have a fat E-wenis.

S83: I'll pass

S83: I will try

S83: I think I would take Kobe 100 out of 100 times. He would do the same to me on the court.