Friday, February 27, 2009

My horse and me: The secret shocking past of Stallion83

It took a while to dig up some pictures but I came through. Yes, that is me on my old horse Oscar. I use to ride horses in shows. I did this for about 2 or 3 years of my life, 3rd to 6th grade I believe. The type of horse riding I competed in was Western Riding. It's not like a horse racing competition, it's more like how elegant your horse looks while being under control type of show. Every contestant had to dress up, chaps and all.

My sister started out doing it, but somehow managed to get me into it. Not many people know how hard a person has to work to do these shows. So much preparation and practice go into these things. We would leave home weeks at a time to attend horse camps and horse shows out of the state. When we were not at school, we spent hours training with trainers an hour away from home. The rest of the time we had to care for our horses. Groom it, wash it, work it out, feed it, and clean it's crap. When it came show time, we had to glam the horses up, paint it's hoofs, etc. So much detail was put into the horse, it would take hours just to get it ready.

A little bit about my horse Oscar. His barn name was Oscar. His show name was A Spot of Scotch. He was a big time World Champion in flying lead change, not while I had him, before my family bought him. I think we bought him for $8,000. He would pop his bottom lip when he wanted cinnamon. I would buy him cinnamon sticks at Cracker Barrel. You could lead him around without a rope, you could just act like you had a rope and would follow along side you. My biggest accomplishment while I had him was 7th in showmanship at State competition. Out of every horse I've been around, Oscar had the most personality by far. I'm not sure where Oscar is today, but I hope he is doing well.

We just got over our heads with this whole horse thing. Too much, too quickly. We got pretty big time a few months before we called it quits. If you are buying horse saddles that cost $3,000 a piece, your getting a little over your head. Those things had silver all down them like this. I wish we never started going to competition, it would've been fun just riding around the farm. I think we ended up having 20 horses when it was all said and done. It was a draining time but I learned a lot of useful things in my 3 years.

I know a little something about how horses are groomed and maintained. I recently played and got all the achievements in My Horse and Me 2. People want to laugh when you have this on your gamercard. For me, it brought back childhood memories while playing it. I remembered so much stuff, I actually ended up having a lot of fun with it. Most people will not like this game at all. Although, if you've played jumper and pimp my ride, you owe it to yourself to became the secret stallion for one day and ride. YEE- HAW!!!

"It's important to comfort stallion. Stroke his neck, head, and body. They like this a lot and it helps remove a thoroughbred's tension"

That is my horse Stallion from my first play through of My horse and Me 2. The only thing missing from this picture is his extremely large E-Wenis.

On my second play through I named my horse Oscar of course. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Xbox America interview

If you would like to check out my interview over at xboxamerica it is up. Big thanks to them for setting it all up. I signed up a long time ago for the leaderboards. I recently browsed around a bit and it is a very nice site. I added it to my favorite xbox related sites. Sign up and see where you rank in your state. #1 in Tennessee baby!

Here is the direct link to the interview.

The 10k Plan

I have around 10,000 to go before I crack the 300,000 mark. To be exact, I need 9,997 more. Here is a little outline of what I plan to do for the final 10,000.

Finish Pure and Dead Space: 855 Gamerscore

Fallout 3 DLC: 100 Gamerscore

NCAA Basketball 09

Street Fighter IV

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand

Afro Samurai

Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection

Prince of Persia

Halo Wars

Halo Mythic map pack achievements

The maybes:

GTA Lost & The damned DLC

Need For Speed Undercover( Community race day will have to come up for me to do this one)

Call of Duty: World at War

Shel Shock 2

Disney Sing it: High school Musical 3(Ballin)

Eat Lead looks like a promising generic shooter.

Something else may pop up because there are a ton of games coming out soon.

Goal was to hit 300k by March 3rd which I don't think will happen because I'll try to enjoy some of these. My new goal is to hit it on March 10th or 11th, before I go out of town for a couple of days.

I want to hit 300,000 on the nose and my score is a little off at the moment at 290,003. I need either two 1 point achievements or one 2 pointer. I need some ideas on how to get it back in line.

I guess it's back to Dead Space for me. If you haven't played Dead Space, play it. I really missed out not playing this 4 months ago. When the sequel comes out it will be a day 1 purchase for me. Brilliant game in my opinion and the new face of the survival horror genre.

Brute Force

I just ran into what I thought was a little deja vu. I unlocked the Brute Force achievement in Dead Space and thought it looked familiar when popping. It turns out The new DLC achievement in The Maw is called Brute Force. I also unlocked that achievement earlier today. I don't remember unlocking different achievements that shared the same name on the same day. I'm well aware that there are achievements that share the same name besides this instance. Dead Eye would be my guess for most shared name across all achievements. Anybody want to look what would be the most? Have at it. Report back with your findings if what you find is worth reporting.

Speaking of Brute Force, am I the only person on this planet that thinks it wasn't a terrible game? It was way over hyped for sure, but I didn't get caught up in that. Yes, the voice acting was terrible and the characters were cliche but come on. No, It was not the next halo by any stretch. It had good co-op! The game was at least an 8. The multiplayer was actually fun but what killed that was the lack of online play. The reviewers seemed to like it for the most part with a metacritic rating of 77. I just remember hearing everyone talk badly about it.

I'll take this so called deja vu I experienced as a sign that Brute Force will be released as an xbox orginal very soon. On top of that, it will be the first xbox original game to include achievements. Hopefully with that happening it will "Brute Force" all other xbox original games to fall in line. I would be curious to see how much of a boost in sales original titles would get if this were to happen. Me, I would buy every single one of those suckers. I'm a sucker, I know.

Give me Brute Force or give me death. Come to think of it, I still have my copy sitting here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Adding them all up: Completions

1 AA: True Soldiers
2 All Pro Football 2k8
3 Alone in The Dark
4 Amped 3
5 Army of Two(1250)
6 Assassin's Creed
7 Asterix Olympic Games
8 At World's End
9 Avatar
10 Battlefor the Pacific
11 Bee Movie Game
12* BF: Bad Company(975)
13 Big Game Hunter
14 Bioshock
15 Blacksite
16 Blazing Angels
17 Balzing Angels 2
18 Bully Scholarship Ed.
19 Burnout Paradise
20 Burnout Revenge
21 Cabela's Safari
22 Cabela's Trophy Bucks
23 Call of Duty 2
24 Call of Duty 4
25 Cars
26 Car: Mater-National
27 Civil War
28 Civilization Revolut'n
29 Clive Barker's Jericho
30 College hopps 2k6
31 Condemned 2: Bloodshot
32 Conflict: Denied Ops
33 Crackdown (1250)
34 Crash of The Titans
35 Crash Time
36 CSI-Hard Evidence
37 Civil War: Secret Mission
38 Dangerous Hunts 2009
39 Dark Sector
41 Dirt
42 Disney Bolt
43 Disney Sing it
44 Dark Messiah:MM
45 DW5 Empires
47 Earth DefenseForce 2017
48 Enchanted Arms
49 Eragon
50 Eragon (PAL)
51 ET" QUAKE Wars
52 Fantastic 4: ROTSS
53 Fable II
54 Fallout 3
55 Far Cry Instincts
57 FIFA 07
58 FIFA Street 3 (1250)
59 Fracture
60 Frontlines: Fuel of War
61 Full Auto
62 Fuzion Frenzy 2
63 Gears of war (1250)
64 Gears of war 2
65 GRAW 2 (1250)
66 GUN
67 Halo 3 (1250)
68 Harry Potter OOTP
69 Hitman: Blood Money
70 Hot Wheels: Beat That!
71 Hour of Victory
72 Imports Tuner Challenge
73 Iron Man
74 Jumper
75 Just Cause
76 Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
77 King Kong
78 KR: AI Encore
79 Kung FU Panda
80 LEft 4 Dead
81 LEGO Batman
82 LEGO Star Wars II
83 LEGO Indiana Jones
84 Looney Tunes: AA
85 Lost Via Domus
87 LOTR: Conquest
88 Madden NFL 06
89 Madden NFL 07
90 Madden NFL 08
91 Madden NFL 09
92 Mirror's Edge
93 MLB 2k6
94 MLB 2k7
95 Medal of honor: Airborne
96 Monopoly
97 Monster Jam
98 My Horse and Me 2
99 NBA 2k6
100 NBA 2k7
101 NBA 2k8
102 NBA Ballers: Chosen One
103 NBA Live 06
104 NBA Live 07
105 NBA live 08
106 NBA live 09
107 NBA Street Homecourt
108 NCCAA Football 07
109 NCAA Football 08
110 NCAA Fottball 09
111 NCAA March Madness 07
112 NCAA March Madness 08
113 NFL Tour 2
114 NFS Most Wanted
115 NHL 2k6
116* NHL 2k7 (950)
117* NHL 2k8 (960)
118 NHL 07
119 NHL 08
120 Ninety-Nine Nights
121 Oblivion (1250)
122 Open Season
123 Party Animals
124 Prey
125 Prince Caspian
126 Prizefighter
127 Quantum of Solace
128 Rainbow Six Vegas 2
129 Rapala Fishing Frenzy
130 Ratatouille
131 Rockstar Table Tennis
132 Scene It? BOS!
133 Scene it? LCA
134 Secret Service
135 SEGA Superstars Tennis
136 Shadowrun
137 Shrek the Third
138 Silent Hill Homecoming
139 Smackdown vs Raw 2007
140 Smackdown vs Raw 2008
141 Smackdown vs Raw 2009
142 Soldier of Fortune
143 Soulcalibur IV
144 Space Chimps
145 Spider-Man FoF
146 Spiderwick Chronicles
147 Stranglehold (1250)
148 Summer Athletics
149 Superman Returns
150 Surf's up
151 SW2 Empires
152 Test Drive Unlimited
153 The BIGS
154 The Bourne Conspiracy
155 The Darkness
156 The Force Unleashed
157 The Golden Compass
158 The Incredible Hulk
159 The Outfit
160 The Simpons Game
161 Tiger Woods PGATOUR 07
162 Tiger Woods PGATOUR 08
163 Tiger Woods PGATOUR 09
164 Timeshift (1250)
165 TMNT
166 TNA Impact!
167 Tomb Raider Underworld
168 Tomb Raider: Legend
169 Too Human
170 Top Spin 2
171 Transformers: The Game
172 Turning Point
173 Turok
174 Unreal Tournament 3
175 Viking
176 Viva Pinata
177 Viva Pinata: TIP
178 Wall-E
179 Winning Eleven 2007
180 Wrestle Kingdom
181 X-men: The official Game
182* [eM] -eNCHANT arM- Asian (700)
183 【eM】 -eNCHANT arM- Japanese
184* アイドルマスター ライブフォーユー!(Idol Master) (980)
185 プロ野球スピリッツ3 (Japanese baseball game)
186 真・三國無双4 Special (Dynasty warriors 4 special)

187 3 on 3 NHL Arcade
188 3D Ultra Mini Golf
189 A Kingdom for Keflings
190 Alien Hommind HD
191 Arkadian Warriors
192 Bankshot Billiards
193 Big Bumpin
194 Bomberman LIVE
195 Buku Numeros
196 Buku Sudoku
197 Buku Sudoku Japanese
198 Carcassonne
199 Castle Crashers
200 Cloning Clyde
201 Contra
202 Crystal Quest
203 Dash of Destruction
204 Dig Dug
205 Double Dragon
206* Fatal Fury Special(180)
207 Feeding Frenzy
208 Feeding Frenzy 2
209 Galaga
210 Gauntlet
211 Golden AXE
212 Hardwood Backgammon
213 Hardwood Hearts
214 Hardwood Spades
215 Interpol
216 Live Draft Tracker
217 MLB Stickball
218 MS. Pac-man
219 New rally x
220 Pac-man
221 Pac-man C.E.
222 Pirates v Ninjas Dball
223 Pocketbike Racer
224 Scramble
225 Sealife Safari
226 Shadow Assault/Tenchu
227 Small arms (235)
228*Smash TV (150)
229 Soulcalibur
230 Spongbob UnderPants!
231 Spyglass Board Games
232 Street Trace: NYC
233 The MAW
234 Track and Field
235 Ultimate MK3
236 Undertow
237 UNO
238 Wits & Wagers
239 Word Puzzle
240 Worms
241 WOTB: Commando 3

* means the game has glitched achievements

The 27 day streak gave me a huge boost. I've only completed one since the streak died, MLB Stickball. I might let the completions take a back seat for a while so my overall score goes up quicker.

11,000 total achievements conquered, I'm sitting on exactly 11,011 at the moment.

A little bit about FEAR 2. If you are wanting another completed game on your gamercard, Fear the Fear 2. It has some ridiculously long Multiplayer achievements. I'm talking like 100 hours plus for these, you've been warned. You can get 800 quick points out of it and it is a good game. They really toned the difficulty down a notch, hard is more like normal compared to most shooters.

Since all the buzz is surrounding the GTA DLC dong cut scene, I give you the Omega deez "cute" dong. Enjoy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All your voices are belong to me

If you thought it was safe to send voice messages instead of text, then think again. Your voice now belongs to me.

Gamertags marked with an * means explicit language, so ear muff those kids.

*LRGxMoney says:*

ii CREEPERz says:

*DOA xbr4shotx says:*

Blackitty 15 says:

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

P the player writes: How is it possible to have that many Gamerscore points ?¿? are you very rich or what ?¿? and nice gamerpic, were did you find it ?¿?
2nd message exactly 9 hours later:Okay... so your writing a message is a waste of time... **** you *****
3rd message around 20 days later: Please write something to me, i just want to know that you dont feel like you are better than everybody...

Answer: You give me 9 hours to reply then curse at me? And you really expect me to reply? manners, learn some manners.

Al Cap0WNage writes: What would you do if you woke up and a used condom was in ur butt?

Answer: I would hunt you down like Liam Neeson did in Taken.

Andrew14man writes: hey, I don't think u are much of a gamer. If you were, you would play more games for fun other than stupid xbla games

Answer: Don't be hating because the only xbla arcade game you can afford is Live Score Tracker.

blinkay writes: ey. just read your blog and you seem really down to earth. wasnt expectin that when i first saw 280000. keep up the good work ;]

Answer: Hey thanks. It was kinda why I started the blog to begin with. People will think all kinds of crazy stuff up, when it's usually not the truth.

Fai1 B0at Frank writes: hey 1v1 one my horse and me 2 ill ub3r pwn u

Answer: The only way you win is if my horse wants to play with you big boy. :)

the burtonation writes: u rock man U R my role model

Answer: 1milliongamerscore, where caring happens.

MUNSIE writes: Does ever contact you regarding your massive amount of gamerscore? If you hit one million gamerscore will they give you some free t-shirts or something?

Answer: Nah, it's nothing like that. Once I hit 1million I will cash in all my achievements and gamerscore for a monthly subscription to OXM.

gamingmoderator writes: There has been many complaints filed about you using offensive and bad language against other gamers.You can either send a redeem code to for 2100 microsoft points or let your account be cancelled

Answer: Seriously, is that the best scheme you can come up with?


Answer: Gamingmoderator, send this guy a message, he will fall for it. TWO BULLETWITCHES!!! OMG!!!! TWO BULLETWITCHES!!!!WTF!!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

93,000 missing stars and the sky is clear

Day 28

Complete a game a day streak is over. A streak which started on 1/18/09 came to an end after 27 days. So who won this battle stallion, the streak, or a new contender?

I started today with 17,000 stars in lips, around 83,000 to go for the final achievement which is 100,000 stars. As I am writing this I have zero stars. I fell victim to this glitch. I was around 93,000 when this little bug bit me. A mere 7,000 stars shy of 1,000 and another day for the streak. It was around 9:20pm EST when the glitch occurred so I had plenty of time to get it done. I dreaded finishing this game up, but I sucked it up and drove myself batty. I played the same song over and over and over again. 8 minutes long, just the chorus in loop.
Hey ya
Hey ya
Hey ya
Hey ya
Hey ya
Hey ya
Hey ya
The song is by Obadiah Parker, some of you may know the Outkast version. This way allows you to get 4,000 stars in around 8 minutes. I had ear plugs in, ear muffs on, and a toboggan cap on trying to drown out the sound that will probably give me nightmares for weeks to come. I was camped out in a lazy boy recliner inches from the TV for 5 hours with the mics up against each speaker. Flipping the mics back then forward every 15 seconds to activate star power or whatever you call it. It was a heart breaker on valentines day for sure and by a game called lips is even more of an insult. I was denied by the achievement Gods on this day or it was a sign to stop the streak and play better games. Lips is an excellent karaoke game, but if you try to force it like I did, it's no fun.

A picture of my missing stars and medals. The challenge wins didn't get reset back to zero, neither did the rank of superstar that you see in the top middle part. Superstar rank equals 100 of each medal and 50,000 stars. If I do decide to go back and 1,000 this game, I only have to worry about stars.

This pretty much sums up lips, better get use to it.

The only streaking I will be doing for a long time. Boogity Boogity

Complete a game a day streak ends at 27 by the hands of a glitch.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stallion vs Streak

Day 27

27 days in a row with a completed game

Unreal Tournament 3: I went back and got the previous glitched like the back of my hand achievement. It took around 5 hours tops.

Final achievement obtained in Unreal Tournament 3

I feel the streak may come to an end very soon. I have the games to keep it going for at least another week, but it's getting the best of me at the moment. I need a break for a few days. Recoup then come back and make a mad dash towards 300,000. I have some really good games sitting here that I want to play. Dead space for example is tempting me. I can't start playing it if I feel rushed. I need 80,000 more stars for 1,000 in lips and that may be the last game to the streak. I realize that I will never accomplished another streak like this ever again, so it is hard to let go of. I'm not quite sure what will happen. If it does end, I had a good run and it got me almost back on track. Stay tuned.

Complete a game a day streak stands at: 27

Friday, February 13, 2009

200 in 30 minutes and sweaty men

Day 25 & 26

26 days in a row with a completed game

Wednesday 2/11/09
3 on 3 NHL Arcade: If you have 10 bucks, 4 controllers, and 30 minutes you have 200 easy gamerscore points. Not much more to say besides that. You do not need 4 controllers, but it is the most efficient way to complete the game. I'm glad this puppy fell into my lap during this streak.

Final achievement obtained in 3 on 3 NHL

Thursday 2/12/09
Smackdown vs Raw 2007: I had 990 in this one for ages and I finally gave it a good smackdown. Pinned it 1..2..and 3. Nobody could stop me, not even Hulk Hogan. The final 10 point achievement I needed was to Defeat every Superstar on the roster by pin or submission at least once on hard difficulty. Took around 4 hours to do and was less boring then I thought it would be. I basically just used the Rock and kneed everyone in the gut until they turned red.

Final achievement obtained in Smackdown vs Raw 2009

Complete a game a day streak stands at: 26

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Up to 24

Day 22, 23 & 24

24 days in a row with a completed game

Sunday 2/8/09
My Horse and Me 2: Laugh all you want but just wait a few days, this is getting it's own blog post very soon.

Final achievement in My Horse and Me 2

Monday 2/9/09
Secret Service: Yet another generic FPS that I somehow ended up enjoying. I know this is a crap game but there are reasons beyond explanation as to why I did enjoy it. Rent it for the easy points but if you do get desperate for the points it's only 30 bucks new. *Hint* Play the game on the hardest difficulty setting first. Make note of the missions you die on and the missions you used your night vision goggles on. Once you finish the game, just not die and don't use your night visions goggles on those missions. There is no need to play through the entire game again. For the night vision achievement,what are you a cat: Once you go back and reply the missions you used night vision on and successfully did them by not using it, reply the very last level for the achievement to pop.

Final achievement obtained in Secret Service

Tuesday 2/10/09
Crash Time: aka its not that bad Stal. I hate you Rand al, I really do. If I had the opportunity to use any crash time tactic on you it would definitely be a drone all up in your ass. I realize nobody understands what I am talking about, so do yourself a favor and keep it that way by not playing this horrible game. Even if a little Rand al fairy is on your shoulder whispering good things about it, DO NOT LISTEN. The game is not hard at all for points, just boring and sometimes frustrating with the trial and error.

Final achievement obtained in Crash Time

Complete a game a day streak stands at: 24

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I enjoy coke 'n bawls

Not to be confused with the same coke 'n bawls Richard enjoys.

I'm talking about drinks of a hardcore achievement whore. When I need a caffeine fix which is often, I turn to these two drinks. Coke 'n bawls.
I drink a single diet coke with splenda on a daily basis. I love the taste of it, it is very smooth and refreshing. I don't like to drink regular diet sodas because of the aspartame found in them. Why? From what I know and read, aspartame is not so good for you. What it actually does is tricks your brain into thinking you are drinking something sweet. If you eat something after drinking a regular diet coke, it will taste sweet. Other health concerns are cancer related.

Bawls is the best energy drink I've ever tasted. I rarely get to drink one since Comp USA got shut down. It's just not mass market yet, but I believe you can find it at Target now and a few gas stations. I've only tried the original flavor in the bottle. I've had about 7 cases total, I got a case for the release of halo 2 and halo 3. For more information on bawls products go to I personally want to try a bottle of g33k b33r. I love me some root beer.

I also have a few cups of coffee in the morning, I sweeten that with splenda too.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Day 19, 20, & 21

Three weeks in a row with a completed game

Thursday 2/5/09
Civil War: Secret Missions: I like my generic shooters, but the aiming speed is not consistent or smooth. Other than that I like shooting people so I did enjoy this. It took me around 6 hours for the full 1,000. I won't recommend it for a purchase, but for easy points, give it a rent.

Final achievement obtained in Civil War

Friday 2/6/09
A Kingdom for Keflings: Being the first game that releases along side NXE and the first game to support avatars in game one would think it would be half baked. Not so much, this game is a brilliant little xbox live arcade title that had me addicted within the first 30 minutes of play. You are a giant that rules a kingdom of little Keflings. You manipulate these little guys to work for you. Which includes making them chop some wood or cut stone among other jobs. If they get out of line, give them a swift kick in tuckus or you can build a wall around one of them and put them in "time out." Omega Deez taught me that trick. You use the materials they gather to build buildings and make different parts from those buildings to build even more buildings. Eventually it all becomes a huge Kingdom with Keeps and Castles. I highly recommend this game it's well worth 10 bucks. The achievements are very easy overall and they come with just regular play with the exception of the two online achievements. Now get to whipping those Keflings into shape!

Final achievement obtained in A Kingdom for Keflings

Saturday 2/7/09
Disney Bolt: A surprise game that is actually really good. I believe this is right up there with Kung Fu Panda as one of the better kids games. It has quite a few collectibles to be found, but they are not very hidden. 7-8 hours and the full 1,000 is yours.

Final achievement Obtained in Bolt

Complete a game a day streak stands at: 21

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Streak

Day 18

18 days in a row with a completed day

Wednesday 2/4/09
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2009: I usually could care less about these games, but I played my role and became a true hunter. In no way shape or form does this game mimic real life hunting and that's a good thing for us achievement mongers. I don't think many of use would like waiting in the grass for hours to see something run away without the satisfaction of slaughtering it. This one takes around 6-8 hours to complete. After getting through that first playthrough, everything becomes a breeze. is still down so no achievement picture with date. Overall I enjoyed the game, I became one with the wild.

Me before Dangerous Hunt 2009

The new and improved me.

Complete a game a day streak stands at: 18

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sí, otro buku

Día diecisiete

El martes del juego
Buku Números: Sí, este juego una vez más. Esta vez es la versión mexicana del juego. Lo juro, este es el último juego Buku que se mostrarán en la raya. Una vez más, el juego sólo tiene alrededor de 3 horas. Si vuelve a traducir esta Inglés usted es un apestoso coño.

Final logro obtener en Buku Números Beat fue lo básico. No tengo el logro de imagen con la fecha porque es en Xbox Live.

Guardar el gusano para mí!

Un juego completo de un día está en racha: diecisiete

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 more to the streak

Day 15 & 16
16 days in a row with a completed game

Sunday 2/1/09
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf 08: There are a few long achievements in this game. Gold Card membership and EA sports gamernet 5000 take quite a bit of time. I can't really remember the exact amount of time it takes, but I would estimate 25-35 hours for the full 1,000. I don't really mind since I really enjoy the Tiger games now.

Final achievement obtained in Tiger Woods 08

Monday 2/2/09
Shadow Assault/ Tenchu Z: A fairly decent game, I believe it is a port from the Nintendo DS. The goal of the game is to sneak around and set traps up in a clever way. The enemies are on a set path and all you have to do is memorize their movements, set traps, and set traps in a way that combos enemies through various traps that are static on the map. That is pretty much it, you never use your sword to cut anyone because you can't. The A button sets traps and that's all you need to know. This one will take around 3 hours for the full 200.

Final achievement obtained in Shadow Assault/Tenchu z

Complete a game a day steak stands at:16

Monday, February 2, 2009

Two week streak breakdown

Day 1: Smackdown vs RAW 2009

Day 2: Feeding Frenzy 2

Day 3: Interpol

Day 4: Gears of War 2

Day 5: LOTR: Conquest

Day 6: Axterix Olympic Games

Day 7: Sealife Safari

Day8: Paintball 2009

Day 9: Track and Field

Day 10: The Maw

Day 11: BF: Bad Company

Day 12: Pirates v Ninjas Dball

Day 13: Tomb Raider Underworld

Day 14: Buku Japanese

7 Retail games completed totaling 122 achievements worth 3,380 gamerscore points.
7 Arcade games completed totaling 83 achievements worth 1,370 gamerscore points.

All games were completed on different days according to Eastern Standard Time.

That is the story thus far.