Saturday, November 28, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

vG LIGHTNING x writes: Got a chipped xbox i see, playing a game before it even comes out, nice going...

ColdP1zza writes: Come on, just 1 reply. That's all I ask. Just send me back the letter "a". I don't care what the message says. Just holla' back.
2nd message: You know, when I think about it your probably not even reading these. You prolly just get a million "so and so sent you a message" icons at the bottom of your screen constantly.
3rd message: Come on dude, your like a legend. Just send me a quick message back, I just want to bask in your glory.
4th message: I just want to say I love. And I respect you. Your like a lightbulb that glows music. An inspiration to us all. I'd love a reply.
5th message: If you reply to this message, I will give you a virtual BJ, do you know what thats like? Seriously though, this is the last message I will send you. You would be my hero if you sent me a reply. I love you, bye.

Subliminal Eh writes: You get hundreds of achievements while it says you are offline, proven through XBL.COM. Interesting?
2nd message: Offline for 18 hours and you STILL get achievements. Nice bot, f*cking cheater

S83: See preferences on the settings blade within the guide.

Po1ish Fury writes: lol i wish u da best of luk but get a life

TKS FATAL1TY writes: omfg you are a fuckin beast your gamerscore is fuckin krazy the are the best man
2nd message: you are the best ever you f@ckin rock f@ckin insane gamerscore man please send me a message back i love you your are the coolest gamer ever!

meowmixmix writes: how about we make a stallion/cat alliance?

S83: I'll have to consult with my kitty first.

Chris Laws writes: Ah can now die in peace, now that ah've finally messaged you. You are an inspiration to every living creature, even if they don't realize it just yet. The world'd be a better place if every single person was you. Not LIKE you. If they WERE you.

BL1NDSK8ER writes: its about time someone is doing something worthwhile

Naked Pokemon writes: WOW GET A LIFE NOOB

I Sheepy Boi I writes: man your a sad c*nt.

THE253sGREATEST writes: hey stallion new achievement that you only unlocked. BIGGEST LOSER IN THE WORLD....GS= 1,000,000. there you go your quest is over hahahahaha

GeT SnIpEd 180 writes: u have no life f*ck u need to get lain for 1ns in ur life

HE is MATT writes: You really are quite lazy dude. I get annoyed at all the people that bitch at you, but do you take pride in just getting easy achievements? A big gamerscore doesn't seem impressive when you just half ass a game and move on.

S83: Has it ever crossed your pea sized brain that some games really suck ass? We'll, they do and sometimes I'm in no mood to finish games when I could be playing ones I enjoy more.

oG x B u LL etz writes: fag u profile glitcher

Phat Andrew writes: unsafesh0tgun for life, you wasted yours

UNSAFESH0TGUN writes: i would like to speak with you about my gamerscore!

Taipan20 writes: ur gamer score is awesome man i wish i was good as you lol you no life loser

DetTigers15Fan writes: You're kind of my hero. "Keep On Keepin' On"


IK IR Y IP T writes: u are cleary a cheater getting games saves there is no way to play japan games on your american console unless its modded im surprised microsoft hasnt sniffed u out yet

sacredninjas writes: way to mod ur gamerscore fag i thought u were good to

x ScHoLSeY x writes: F**KiNG HELL your a legend, how the hell do you get all these games most of them i've never even heard of, keep at it

x Epic Pyro x writes: i call myself an achievement whore, then i look at your gamerscore.....


S83: In the words of the greatest poet I know, Omega Deez, that sounds like some "dork shit"

WiesoSolt3Ich writes: woher haste so viel gamerscore?ich kenne nu ein mit 125

ALEX 6ZX writes: как ты заработал так много очков ? или гейм скоров ?

tomekstaszekrrr writes: witam znalazlem cie na forum,no wynik masz niezly gratulacje ,mam problem moze mi pomozesz ,dostalem bana i konto ktura mam z goldem grajac na konsoli zbanowanej w gry pirac ,a puzniej zmieniajac dysk na druga konsole tylko orgin i grajac na tym samy
2nd message: kacie tylko na grach orgina ,czy moga mi zablokowac druga konsole lub konto

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Before the 360: My gaming roots

My first gaming experience was at the early age of 3 with the Atari system back in the mid 80's. I enjoyed playing Pong, the boxing game, and that maze tank game the most. The first game I beat was Mario Brothers at the age of 5. My favorite game during the NES years was Mike Tyson’s Punch out. I never beat Mike back then but I couldn’t let him haunt me my entire life. In 2001, I got a wild hair to revisit Mike. I finally got him back by beating him in a decision. I couldn’t just let it stand as a decision, I had to beat him decisively. So, my very first try the next day I knocked him out.

Through-out the early stages of my life I had all the systems and played on a regular basis but not extreme amounts. I was doing the normal kid stuff and was involved in sports. The same held true up until the Xbox and Halo came out. It got addicting then. Even though Halo wasn’t online at the time, I could see the future and I wanted in. My buddies and I would do the LAN thing and it was a blast, but I wanted more. When Xbox live launched in 2002, I was left out in the cold. I had a dilemma; the area I lived in did not have broadband connections at the time. I wanted to play against people online very badly. I thought it was the ultimate rush and the evolution of gaming. While I waited for broadband to become available, I honed my skills on a 56k modem via PC and Unreal Tournament 2003. It was fun I guess, but my ping was outrageous so the lag was unbearable. I was finally able to get that broadband connection in 2003. So, of course I got hooked up to Xbox Live. I played a lot of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Counter-strike at first, but that was child's play to what would happen next.

In 2004, the ultimate addiction came out, Halo 2. I got my copy at midnight and the first thing I did was play online. I fell asleep with the game still going and when I woke up, I immediately started playing again. That’s when you know a game will own your soul for a good chunk of time. Needless to say, I was hooked on Halo 2 and it was the main game I played day in and out for a year. I retired Halo 2 when the 360 came out and my love for that game carried right over into achievements and here I am today.

During my 20+ years of gaming I’ve always played various genres. At some point I’ve probably liked just about all of them. I think that helps me in this gamerscore thing. My favorite genre today is FPS.

Sega Genesis

Here are some of my All-Time favorite games in no particular order: Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Mega Man, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Mario Bros 1-3, Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Nba Jam, Halo 2, Goldeneye, Sim City, Warcraft II, Gran Turisomo 2, Forza 1, SSX, Earthbound, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Splinter Cell series on xbox, Soul Calibur, Sonic, Tony Hawk 3, Grand Theft Auto 3 & Vice City, Devil May Cry, ICO, Mortal Kombat 3, Burnout 3: Takedown, Twisted Metal, 1 Madden game, and 1 nba2k game. I’m probably leaving some gems off, but that is what I recall off the top of my head.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What about Bob?

In the G4 TV article i'm referred to as Robert. That is not my real name. I'm not sure if it was a mistake or if Patrick was protecting my identity. I just wanted to clear that up.

*edit* The article is updated with the correct name now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Wilvid writes: i absolutely h8 u omg i actually screamed wen i saw how sad u were omg u make me so angry my god sell ya precious xbox and ur millions of games and go out and loose ur f**** virginity!!!! i seriously h8 u!!! 380000 g omg u have had it 6 years omg!

Kacksy writes: Love you <3

Internal x Pain writes: ur a ugly c*nt n get a life u f*cking fagget

iluvhotmail writes: before i go to bed here in oregon, i just wanna say that your sexy

SecretJuicepak7 writes: wow ur a fail if play any game to get ur gc up thats not good 4 making friends either gezz i cant believe u would play some of these games epic fail of the world

x M A S H E D x writes: F*cKING LOVE U

ANDY3587 writes: ur hell a virgin

Ogiichidawg24 writes: im in complete fukkin awe man u mus b one damn gud gamer ur a legend in my book bro

Flyinghost writes: wow ur crazy do u have alife??? just a simple question no bad feeling alright jsut askin

ImpairedRay writes: OH MY GOD. UR A LEGEND!

oggiebob writes: I realized that you and Kobe Bryant .are a lot alike. .You are both really good at what you do and not many people can do it. you thrive off of people telling you that you can't, yet you have a lot of fans. The only difference? You are #1.

M1ck3h writes: i feel some kind of intellectual exaltation reading the brainless messages you receive from moronic twelve year old children on your blog. i wish i could personally suffocate each one. <3
2nd message: i mean seriously, i personally want to strangle the complete sh*t out of these goddamn condescending f*cktards who send you hateful bullsh*t. f*ck, what do they have to say about their life -- nothing. you are a passionate inspiration. ^^

Mvan3000 writes: is there anyway possible that you can me becauce your friends list is full
2nd message: come on why not add me im great
3rd message: come on dont do this to me u need me on your friends list
4th message: for the love of god add me
5th message: come on dude i love looking at your gamerscore
6th message: why not add me
7th message: come on add me im number 1 in world on yaris

Woman Mechanic writes: My tits are bigger than your head!!!

BR21 Scylla writes: how much do u charge to someone who wants 2 b in ur friends list

xV FlatLine Vx writes: Hey, heres a good way to get a lot of prople viewing your blog. Do streams on justin tv. of you just getting achievements, a lot of prople will watch. Oh and sorry about all the chat invites i send, its to see your GS counting down to 400k

S83: Interesting idea. I may do something like that in the future.

G4TV article

"The Man With An Xbox Live Gamerscore Of 384,155 Points"

If you haven't checked out this article yet, you can find it HERE

Thursday, November 5, 2009

15,000 achievements & The Ganglion Cyst

Sometime yesterday I got to the 15,000 achievement mark. It was either during Lego Rock Band or Band Hero. At the rate I'm going, I'll have roughly 38,000 achievements once I hit 1,000,000 gamerscore.

I'm still alive for those wondering. I've been wanting to sit down and write something but my hand has been hurting. Actually, it's my wrist. Both of them! I have a ganglion cyst on the top of my wrist's. They are not as nasty looking as those found in the wiki but my left hand sure is sore. I'm not entirely sure when they developed. I'm certain it's from lifting weights and playing way too much 360. I may have to limit my xbox time over the next couple of days to let it heal. Inspiring achievement whores have been warned.