Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #2

On Episode 2 of The Gamerscore Popcast, Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty discuss gaming highlights and low lights of the week, gaming news, and we all reveal our very first love, our first achievement ever. Pig sits in the hot seat for a new feature called get to know your hosts. And so much more.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Stick around again after the outro music for the bloopers reel.

Thanks to the thousands of people around the world for downloading the first episode. Thanks so much for your love and support!

Stream it below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #2 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS


  1. Burning Sensation is actually an achievement in Left 4 Dead 2, also.

    And I searched Burning Sensation on Trueachievements and only the L4D2 one came up so.....idk what i did wrong

  2. pretty sure I mention there are two, but the answer Stoph was looking for is :

  3. Thats so weird :o I was getting the jumping in heads in borderlands achievements when you guys were talking about it

  4. nice 2nd episode and you might also know me im B1azinViper97. Keep up the good work!

  5. Something interesting I'd like to hear about is when it was that Stallion took over #1. I remember following the leaderboard in 2006 when StripClubDJ was the first to hit 100K and then Rance6 (Japan Top) from Italy was #1 for a while. What was the chase down and passing like for Stallion?

    Also perhaps you could bring on Fshguy or Dog of Thunder in September to talk about the Gears 3 $10K challenge.

    Well done on show #2!
