Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #1

On the first episode of The Gamerscore Popcast, Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk it up about hot upcoming Xbox 360 releases, past gamerscore milestones, favorite achievements, the amount of gamerscore one could obtain in a 24 hour period if you started from scratch, and much more. We also let a nub in.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #1 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - RSS


  1. :D, been waiting for something to happen since the Party Chat Podcast suddenly stopped. *downloads*

  2. how many can friends can you have MAX?

  3. More Rand al Thor19 needed

  4. I really enjoyed the podcast, it was interesting with quite a few laughs. If it isn't too personal a question, I'm curious to know what people with gamerscores this high do for day jobs. Clearly this is a massive commitment, so I'm interested to know the kind of schedules the group has to keep to manage it.

  5. This is great Cheevos talk! Hope you have this every week

  6. How do you record this podcast? Do you just record the auto of a party chat?

  7. Skype. The nub section was recorded in party chat.

  8. @ Jerukun, I personally work 8am-5pm Mon-Fri pretty standard stuff... I come home scoff some food and play till 1am/2am and sleep till 6-7am and then Friday night I'll play till 5-6am Sat and take a nap and try and last till 11pm Sun night and the cycle starts again :)

  9. @Phatal1ty Best life style ever!

  10. Hi my name is Stoph and I don't have permission to post on the comments... I'll be happy to answer the job question on the show!

  11. Great show... Keep em coming... This was great material to listen to while i was stuck at work rather then gaming...

  12. @Phatal1ty, Sounds similar to how amateur athletes with day jobs train.

  13. Interesting podcast, though Phatal1ty forgot to mention that 2 hardcore gamers share that account. Hypothetically, if Phatal1ty had the biggest gamerscore in the world, what would you all make of that? I know what Gunniess would make of it.

  14. I can't believe nobody mentioned looking forward to Batman: Arkham City!

  15. Looking forward to it, just didn't mention everything that was coming out. Probably would of went on for ages if we did that.

  16. This was amazing, always enjoyed the podcasts. Can't wait for episode2. Also, as gamerscore whores where do you see yourselves stopping? 1million? Do you all think the efforts been worth the score? I've only got 100k+ but sometimes wonder if it was worth all the effort as I've not played any easy 1000's. Thanks. hope you reply or answer in the next podcast

  17. What about smrnov? he's only 15k behind you now. At 500k he was 41k behind you. He's on pace to take you over. Are you worried?

  18. @Bboy, its actually a 25K difference between smrnov and stallion... and of course its possible that srmnov over takes stallion at some point.. If/When? who knows?

  19. Can someone send me a link to the Snapcast and Cracklecast? haha im so funny :)

  20. I've been wondering how much G is possible in 24 hours. You'd obviously have to plan way in advance, knowing what games allow for fast, easy G based on your ability.

  21. I had my hopes up to hear MajinFro's rendition of the nub song. That was my favorite part of the other podcast!

    Good first show.

    Possible points in 24 hours depends on how much you prime. Theoretically you could spend a year getting to the last level in 100 games.

