Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Thingamabob

Check out my very first IGN article: My Top 10 Achievements from August list  

That will be a monthly article so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I think it was much funnier before it hit the editors desk, but what do I know?

Still, I'm very happy to be writing for the biggest gaming website in the entire world. :)

I finally got some good quality gaming in last night. I played a few hours of Madden 12 and picked up a few whoppers with cheese. 
I know what the ladies like....err...dudes. My achievements bring all the boys to the yard...

Madden is a buggy mess at the moment, it's constantly freezing up, but not to the point where it locks your system up completely. Thank goodness! The menus just get hung up and sometimes that will last for several minutes.

Thanks EA Tiburon! Now I need a hair piece to cover up my bald dome.

I also played a little Fight Game Rivals which is the new Windows Phone 7 game this week. I don't have a lot of good things to say about it. Achievement-wise it seems easy but long because of:



Win all tournaments with all fighters

Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu

Log in for 10 consecutive days

Fighting Master

Fighting Master

Buy all skills of every available fighter

I'm trying to get myself tuned up for an upcoming gamerscore league so I don't go into shock once I start gaming a lot more. Over the last 5 weeks I've only scored a total of 8,193 points. 

That seems like weak sauce to the max.


  1. I'm sure there's a implied story there with that number 1 achievement.

  2. Not at all. It honestly was a slow month and I had to pull stuff out of my arse.

  3. oh there is a story ryot, ;P

  4. ^^^^His Friends are from England

  5. is it the gamerscore league on x360a Stallion?

  6. I like the article - one recommendation I have would be to make it achievements from games that month. I know it's difficult during some months of the year, but it just makes way more sense. Maybe you can include DLC/Arcade stuff into the mix from that month too, so you can actually have enough. Idk just a thought.
