Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interview turned article

Title of the article "Embracing your inner xbox360 achievement addict"

Here is a snippet of the article taken from &

"You find yourself boasting (repeatedly) to your friends that you’ve got the maximum 1000 gamerscore in the game…and log in to your console just to bring up the screen that proves it."

"Oddly enough, your friends don’t seem to care."

"The next day at work, you spend an hour researching the best ways to kill enemies, gather collectables, or glitch to make it easier to unlock more achievements in your next game. You continue to tell yourself you’re still in control."

"Next, you find yourself taking a day off work just to try to boost a game online; after all, you can’t finish it off without those pesky multiplayer achievements!"

"Stallion83’s current goal, to reach 1,000,000 gamerscore, began last fall (he’s aiming to have it done by December 31, 2014), and his website at chronicles his efforts. He identifies as a Hybrid addict: “I have different cycles that I go into during the course of a year,” he says. “My main cycle is to get the most out of a game and then move on to another game. I usually come back months later and top a lot of those off.”

To see the full article go HERE or HERE. Nice job Steve.

I had a few interviews lined up at the time but I was busy with the gamerscore league and only did one. UFC gaming and Australian 360 mag were the other two that contacted me at the time. I'm glad I ended up not doing the Aussie one. It turns out they focused mostly on the Aussie #1 guy who happens to be a cheater :(. Check THIS thread out for the lulz. I've heard that they are doing a follow up which is good news and I would be happy to do it now. Look out for something else soon.


  1. Nice article, I love how gets some props in the article. Also how gaming is for "fun" I always find people taking things way too seriously.

  2. I am to please! Thanks again for the interview. :) -Steve

  3. i identify as a hybrid closer to just out for chievos though since i can almost never complete
