Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chrome Hounds High

A new day, a new war. My real Chrome Hounds experience started today. I have until January to get what I can. The servers will be shut down then. 1,000 for me is not possible. I wouldn't want to torture myself for 1,000 hours. Even not going for broke seems to be a very tedious affair. The only thing that makes this somewhat fun is that a group of us are trying to accomplish a goal. Win the war. I'll admit, I am still a nubcookie when it comes to this game. I am getting my wings, slowly but surely.

I was going to gun for an achievement a day for a few weeks. A nice slow pace suits me well with this one. I may end up pushing it so we can get a few of the harder medals once the war is complete. I am jaded when it comes to unlocking achievements in general, no doubt about it. Getting them in Chrome Hounds feels oddly satisfying for some reason. I can't remember the last time I got an achievement high. It could be the fact that I never thought I would play it. It sat here on my self for over 3 years aging like a bottle. Chrome Hounds...the finest wine.

What our squad must do:

For lulz. I had this stupid song in my head for weeks after playing that Disney Sing it game. I'm sorry sing it fans, but this is dog poo. I should have no business putting my hands in your poo. The crap and/or poo I touch for achievements...*sigh* .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My browser gave me a malicious host message for you blog stall, you need to check some of these ads.

  3. The message will probably pop up for a few more days but I'm sure everything is fine now.

  4. I guess Justin Guarini was too old fro the Corbin Bleu part.

  5. fro=for. Freudian slip.

  6. Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post "No teme" in your blog with the link to you?
