Monday, September 12, 2011

1,000,000 TrueAchievement Score

Maybe not 1,000,000 Gamerscore but still a huge feat which took almost 6 years to accomplish.

Don't confuse with gamerscore. Gamerscore total is the bottom number.

The achievement I used to cross the 1,000,000 TA mark on 9-11 was from Dead Island which was School of hard knocks.

A friend pointed out to me on facebook that something about the timing of this was ironic. The Entourage series finale ended just 15 minutes prior to me unlocking the School of hard knocks achievement and getting passed 1,000,000 TA score. The Xbox LIVE gamerpic most recognize me for is one that hasn't changed in over 5 years now which is of Jeremy Piven who plays Ari Gold in the series. It was the end of a long running series and the end of a fictional character, but this is  far from the end for me. I'm just getting started.

Here is the Last scene with Ari Gold. SPOILERS!

If you haven't signed up for Trueachievements you probably should. A great site to keep tabs on your stats and achievement progress of yourself and friends.

Look for more about my 1,000,000 TA accomplishment on TA soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats. Never looked that close at your gamerpic, to be honest I thought it was Arnold Schwarzenegger since only saw thumbnail size. Enjoying the podcast too by the way.
