Monday, August 10, 2009

The MachiNe Team wins H2H GSL Season 5

It's not official yet so I don't have the final scores. I will post stats and other things once they are made official.

I just want to thank a few people for making it possible. The MachiNes, Cru, Mango, Rand, Fro, Omega, Apple, and Tennis. Last but not least, Console Heroes. If you have been following my blog you may recall the bad taste season 4 left in my mouth. All that bitterness is now gone and Console Heroes has a good gamerscore league that I can highly recommend.

Not much is known about he future of the MachiNes, but I have a feeling we will be back in some fashion.

Smrnov hit em in the mouth on the final day and I thought this video might be fitting. Thanks to smrnov for providing the home video. I can't believe they ganged up on you like this man. The part where Danny Dibo tells Tommy to put you in a body bag was really uncalled for.

More info when scores become official.


  1. Congrats man, but was it ever in any doubt? Though you did saddle yourself with Blind so anything could have happened, ha ha ha!

  2. Did you really buy Wall-E Korea? I saw that game just posted on torrents right about the time you put it on your card.

  3. Anonymous - I don't pirate games. sorry.

  4. Congrats! That 2 week challenge you all were in with Fsh on 360Voice was crazy. I still can't believe how you all with your higher-than-normal gamerscore can STILL put up over 15K in 2 weeks!
