Monday, August 3, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Click on the cards for larger view.

S83: Hands down, Hannah.

S83: No, but I have a fat E-wenis.

S83: I'll pass

S83: I will try

S83: I think I would take Kobe 100 out of 100 times. He would do the same to me on the court.


  1. Yeah, why aren't you worried about all the starving children?

  2. I thought that was a rather strange question since I was ranting on twitter about how not to buy avatar clothing.

  3. Where's mine? My GT is Cobruh btw. I'm sure I sent you a message Stallion83?

  4. I don't put every message I get on here. That would require a lot of effort.

  5. ah ok fair enough, btw do you know Shuckey?

  6. I have so many questions lmao
    Do you play ps3 Stallion83?
