Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye October, Hello Gears

Time to dust off the chainsaw because Gears of War 2 is less than a week away. I cannot believe it is almost here, I'm really excited about it. November is going to be a huge month for gamers and even bigger for me since I missed some really good games at the end of October. Before I look ahead, I want to talk about October for a moment.

Last month I played a lot of stuff. Here is what I believe was the best and worst.

Best game I played October: Saints Row 2
Reason: The co-op mode is a real treat. It was done right unlike most co-op games where the game only dishes out a single save on the hosts xbox. If you are deciding between GTA4 or Saints Row 2 and you plan on doing them single player only, I would give a slight advantage to GTA4. I personally had more fun with Saints Row 2 solely because of co-op. The next GTA needs co-op to be the complete package. Be warned though, if you want to get all achievements in Saints Row 2, make sure you and your partner start from the very beginning in co-op. It will also take at least 50 hours to get a full 1,000. NOTE: I didn't play Fable 2, Dead Space, or Fallout 3 in October. :(

Worst game I played in October: Alaskan Storm
Reason: This game is sooo bad, I'd rather tightrope walk over a swamp with chicken hanging around my neck. You drop in pots(cages) around a fairly vast ocean, then you come back and pick them up hoping for large quantities of crab. Seriously, that's all you do, for hours, upon hours. Don't make the same mistake I did by putting this in your 360. I'll have to force feed this one down like a bad pill.

Looking ahead to November.

Lots of new games to look forward to in November.

Gears of War 2, Mirror's Edge (try the demo, it is very unique. It will need varied environments to be a classic), Banzo Kazooie, Call of Duty, and Left 4 Dead to name a few. In a couple of weeks we will see the release of the new dashboard. I don't mind something fresh, it will be something to tinker with. I can't wait for party chat, that is the best thing coming out of the NXE. It should be a great month for all xbox gamers.


  1. How could you not like Alaskan Storm, that had to be one of my favorites in October.. :p

  2. Amen on Saints Row 2, one of my favorite games to.

  3. I know that you are prob already going to be playing Fable 2 and Fallout 3 but please............

    Do yourself a favor and PLAY Dead Space you will NOT regret it!

  4. How do you get all these games to play? Do you rent, borrow, or buy? Or like gamefly? I would love to have a high gs but I'm really not very good at most games, but I still love playing. Good luck with 1 million.
