Monday, June 28, 2010

New Coat

I gave this baby a new coat of paint today and hopefully it looks a little better. I've been MIA, believe me, I'm aware. I just haven't been feeling the get massive amounts of gamerscore over the last couple of months. I guess you could say I was in slight hibernation. I just need some good stuff to play. This week there is a lot of new stuff coming out, then next week we have the 500 pound gorilla named Crackdown 2.(pre-ordered that today) I'm looking to break free, get to the half way point and see how I feel from there. The million just seems light years away. Just almost being half way there makes it seem out of reach for one person.

The Lakers won the back to back titles like I predicted back in October of 2008. DICE just needs to step up and make Battlefield 3 so I look somewhat smart with future predictions.

Look for top 10 games along with the 10 worst games of 2010 shortly. Doing a list of every single game I have played so far this year would be extremely hard to do at this point.


  1. Change is good, and all things in moderation.

  2. You've made an ambitious goal, but an attainable one. Each achievement gets you closer to the million. Ignore the hate.

  3. I thought you was dead.

  4. Of course you can get there, you're doing great so far. When you do get there I'm sure there will be some massive congratulations.

  5. Better watch out, you got some people racing you to 500k

  6. Man, Holy Shit. I just barely made it to 10k about a month ago and that was an achievement in itself for me. The amount of g score you have is amazing and now I can justify my achievement hunting.

    Any tips?

  7. ^^^ X360a, look at the quick 1000 lists to start.

  8. Good you're back!
    Do you keep the copies of the games you played? If so, a picture of your collection would be awesome! :)
