Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Double Mint Twins

There is no need to refresh your page or get your eyes examined. What you see is correct. I finally got the #1 spot on mygamercard sometime last week which in all honesty doesn't matter much to me. It lasted a whole 3 days or so. I guess someone thinks it does mean the world to me. They decided to basically copy my gamertag. motto, bio, avatar, the works. Stallion83 with 266k is me, StaIlion83 with 295k is the impostor, notice the capital I instead of an L.

Why is someone doing this? I really have no clue. I do know they cheated somehow, but I don't really know what the original tag was, how many points they had, etc. Theories anyone?

The only conclusion I have is that someone is wasting their time and effort to bother me. Seriously, I could care less. They will be dealt with at some point, then the next impostor will appear. It's as inevitable as another Saw movie.


  1. It's sad when people can't try to actually compete, they try to demoralize you. Good on ya for keeping your head up. I don't think small people like this could really get to you when you can stick with this mission so steadily. It's an awesome trip and I will be cheering you on.

  2. Possibly the work of sufoor. He was the only person I can recall who could jump from 0 to 300000 in a day. Remember the tag he created a while back, morganoxonelson, or something like that.

  3. Great job, shame people have to try and tear you down. Look forward to seeing the 1st legit 300K GS soon and 1st 500k True achievement score. Thanks for the trueachievement link.

  4. Sad,is actually poeple believing you are legit. I for one don't care at all about gamerscore, but lying about it makes you worse than the poeple who admit to their do'ings. You always state that you don't care about the leaderboards and such things, so just come clean, and maybe your fans (so pathetic as it sounds) can stop living in denial.

  5. Hey, gret stuff.
    Anonymous...why don't you believe he has this legit? Like he says, he has no reason to cheat at it because he doesn't care that much about the score. Also, why would someone who is cheating copy all his info, bio etc? If Stallion was cheating, then the cheater would be copying the gamertag of another cheater. Doesn't really make sense does it?!
    Anonymous - What is the maximum gamerscore you would see and believe it to be legit? 150k? 200k? 250k?

  6. LOL hopefully they both get took down by MS. Including the COUGH"Legit"COUGH one.

  7. Im sorry for that previous post, I was seriously out of line. I was using the same irrational, one sided thinking when i voted to Mccain/Palin (and you saw how that worked out.) I will instead follow your lead and set lofty goals for myself, i mean 1milliongamerscore!!! Wow!! Just wow! If i was only that lucky to possess that type of goals. I just work with people who boast accolades such as PHD's in advanced physics and mathematics. Thats just straight boring!! Good luck in your journey!! Sorry again.

  8. You obviously care about the leaderboards or you wouldnt have posted this "Some people slipped through the cracks and didn't get reset when they clearly deserve to be, but the top 2 is correct. I would like to see everyone taken care of eventually." in your blog.

  9. Also Spades x3h, morganoxonelson wasnt made by Sufoor and neither is this.

  10. Ahh yes, Anonymous posting; Where idiots reign supreme.

  11. I am just going on rumors I heard. I know sweet F A about gamesavers, so wether or not it was made by him or not I dont care, I just put it out as an option.

  12. if stallion does not care about leaderboard status he would have never shot up to #1 status. No one hits #1 by accident.

  13. Thought you might catch more flak from my comment so I deleted it. Couldn't figure out how to edit it. Anyway, I'll try to rephrase what I was saying.

    All these dudes telling you what you care about should be asking themselves why they care so much about Stallion! It's a little too Talented Mr. Ripley-ish if you ask me.

  14. Because it takes alot less time to hate a cheater like stallion then it does to get 1 million gamerscore.

  15. Well, I have heard several things about stallion83 and whether or not he is legit. People say to use greasemonkey and look at his Forza 2 timestamps where he unlocks a bunch at the same time (even legit it takes more than a minute to cycle through and buy the last car from 6 different places); but there is nothing else that seems too out of place. I mean, he could be playing through and getting the achievements he can and then uses a gamesave to get the last couple (and times it out a little to avoid suspision), but who am I to say anything. Apparently Stallion was a member of a gamesaving site way back when and that is where most of the flak is coming from...so even if he isn't 100% legit, he has still earned more legit gamerscore than anyone else so I'll cut him some slack.

  16. I could sign up for a site and put my username as Stallion83 too. Its not like only the real Stallion can use that username any random guy can sign up for a site with that name.

    But I mean just fucking give it up. Despite all of your attempts to dethrone stallion he will never get reset. You know why? Because he is fucking legit and always will be regardless of what you say or who you complain to and you are all wasting your time bitching about it.

    It is you gamesavers that have destroyed the leaderboards all over from having any credibility and just imagine. If you had been busy gaming from the beginning like Stallion and not cheated some of you would be competing with him at the moment but instead you guys decided to be genuine asses and complete idiots.


  17. Id much rather spend 5 minutes gamesaving to get 1000 gamerscore then waste my entire life on it legit...

  18. Yo, chicken strip here. Just wanted to say keep it legit Stallion83, keep it legit.

    If anyone is up for a BBQ later, let me know.

  19. 1:01 pm Anonymous,

    It takes even less time not doing either.

    5:47 pm Anonymous,

    That's where people lose me. If achievements are a waste of time, why bother with them in the first place? I just don't get that. Why not do something that you feel isn't a waste of time? Unless gamesaving is actually fun for you, I guess I could understand it then.

  20. agree with the "achievements are waste of time" statement, and if Stallion wants to spend the next seven plus years playing games for a million gamerscore, damn thats awesome! I wish i could play games all day!!!

  21. I gamesave, and I think he's been playing legit for a while now cause he's always under the microscope, but 100% legit is a stretch. I only say that cause he has a few Japanese and Pal titles on his card, so that would mean he has at least 3 xbox360's and he's still missing many easy jap/pal titles.

    He's a little over a quarter of the way to his ultimate goal and 3 years into it. 500k will be at least another 3 years away.

  22. Nice, Stailion is no more.


    It was fast.

  23. patheetic, do u have alife?
    seriously, how the hell can u have so many gs?
    u must have no life, no offense, buts it really must be so.
    Do u have a job? Friends? BitcheS?
    ah nvm, when you are older u will regret your time wasted on worthless achievement points, lol no life boy ;)

    Yours sincerely,


  24. I love how these guys are pretending to be OTHER people.
    CovertDog wouldn't say that, plus he can grasp the English language pretty well.
    MorgonxoNelson was in fact Sufoor. Not iScar, if you ever lookd at the tag it gave it away in his bio. Also if anyone else took the time to look at the Morgon tag you would have noticed that Sufoor gamesaved all 300K in alphabetical order. He is the only person in the world with everygame out, that's a fact.
    Now you other guys giving him shit, who gives a fuck about you, this is just a 12 year old tantrum you guys seem to have when cheaters can't even overtake a legit player, grow the fuck up, learn to spell and maybe someday you will realise that Stallion is actually legit.
    Fuck you. Peace out.
    Deadcolt x360a

  25. http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/Achievements/ViewAchievementDetails.aspx?compareTo=Stallion83&tid=%09]%3acn*i7

    What's with the non-timestamped achievements on Fallout 3, Mr. Legit?

  26. Someone says "Id much rather spend 5 minutes gamesaving to get 1000 gamerscore then waste my entire life on it legit..."

    Why? I'd rather just play the game, and have the achievements for something to aim for when I'm maybe getting bored with a game, but I've only 300 points for a game out of 1000, who cares? I'm no power-gamer, I just play to amuse myself. Why cheat your gamerscore if you don't care about gamerscore?
