Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode 37 - The New Kid On The Block

Appearing on this show: Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, Omega DeezPhatal1ty , and The New Guy
  • Gaming Highlights and low-lights of the week: The Witcher 2, Monster Island, Kingdoms of Amular, Dark Souls, The Price is Right: Decades, Ghost Recon: Beta, and Trials Evolution
  • News and new releases: Crysis 3 announced, Halo 4 release date, 007 Legends announced and more.
  • Listener Challenge: We announce the next randomly selected challenger who gets to compete against one of the hosts and gets his interview on episode 38.
  • Enter for the next round of " The Listener Challenge" and beyond on our Facebook Page by entering your gamertag anywhere on the wall. All gamertags submitted will stay entered in the random drawing for a to-be-determined period of time.
  • Listener questions
  • Bloopers

Call (424) 256-6512 to leave us a message with your questions, suggestions, comments or just a shout out.

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #37 (right click to save as)

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  1. Rand al Thor is great, the best talker of the bunch. Just don't let him take over completely like he did on this show.

  2. i agree with above poster...i had to start skipping to listen to other people talk....

    and yes....why are you ignoring the elephant in the room. i enjoyed listening to stoph and only started listening to the podcast because of him. with him gone the show feels flatter, he had a way of making sure that each of you talked where now the show doesn't feel directed.

  3. Rand al thor is great. He should of agreed to join when we started.

  4. I respect all your anonymous opinions, but it is what it is. He is no longer on the show. We are looking towards the future, not the past.

  5. but rather than totally ignoring the fact that he isnt on the show your all acting like he doesnt exist.

    even if it is what is is you can at least comment and say creative differences or he decided to spend more time with his (insert some game witicism here)

    as it is your all acting like he died or sumpin so i guess its his ghost logging into xbox live

    and rand al thor is not as great as he seems to think he is...good lord the guy loves his voice to much and he talked over all you other guys the whole freaking episode. i seriously almost turned off this podcast where i have never wanted to do that before. keep in mind i have no problem with the week before other than my comment of it felt flat. but i didn't want to turn off the podcast last week where today i did. you decide what the difference is but there are 5 people on the podcast not 1.

    as a suggestion it would be better if he allowed others to talk before him. but (to me) it seemed like in every question that was asked he was first up to bat and since he said what someone else might have said nobody said much as a follow up.

    if he had held back and let others answer the question then he wouldn't have had to talk or as much just because he might have agreed with someone else's answer.

    i listen to this podcast because you do do 1 thing that other podcasts dont do. and that is give a straight up thoughts ( even if some of you disagree that works because not everyone has same tastes so you find what each person relates to)

    and 2 you guys cover everything that comes out on the xbox even all the little stuff so its interesting to see whats being put out even though i really dont play that many different games.

  6. ^^ If you go to pigs blog on TA he says why they dumped him. You could tell that none of the others liked stoph because he would crack jokes or bring up a discussion and others would just stay silent and ignore him. Made listening feel awkward at moments. It just seemed childish the way they booted him. But it is what it is.

    1. STOPHJ was good but past is past as ray said let it rest and if you followed ray he said clearly its not good to belittle anyone and i think this was a referrence to what might have happened!!!

  7. i liked the podcast a lot better with stoph, just saying

  8. It seemed like Rand took over because there was a lot of unusable audio this week. If I can't understand something, it gets cut. Which causes me to have to cut entire sentences so people know what we're actually talking about. It just happened to be everybody but Rand that had crappy audio and that caused each of us to lose about 10% of what we said. I'm guessing he slept with someone that works for Skype. Just figured I'd let you guys know since I'm really the only person who knew that.

  9. The new guy seems retarded, spoiling a beautiful game like dark souls with boosting pathetic also saying gears of war 3 sucked oh man. The guy also needs to talk less his voice grinds my gears.

  10. Everyone who is complaining, make your own podcast, problem solved.

    Stoph was annoying as fuck and his voice always sounded like he was stuffing his face. Rand's voice is projected and sounds good. Keep up the podcast!
