Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Achievement Bounty 7-19-2011

Achievement Bounty 7-19-2011 
(32 Achievements) (480 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtain from Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Call of Juarez: The Cartel

Total Gamerscore: 595,675
Total Achievements: 24,735
Total Games Played: 872
Total Completed Games: 506

An achievement explosion of sorts since I've been slacking for last few weeks.


  1. What theme is that? Can you post a link to it by chance?:)

  2. Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I can't find the link to it.

  3. Is it vietnam, bad company theme, or bad company theme 2? It doesnt give previews online so I have no idea.

  4. Is it just me or are the game tiles for HP and CoJ incredibly similar??! I thought Call of Juarez was a western... O_o Is it about drug cartels of the modern day??

  5. It's not Vietnam. Bad company 2 theme I believe.

    @2rue, no long a western game at all and no longer any good.

  6. whys that guy pullin a trollface?
