Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gatling Gears: Hands on Preview

Gatling Gears is a twin stick shooter from Vanguard Entertainment. Check out my impressions after the break.

Gatling Gears
Vanguard Entertainment
Electronic Arts

Gatling Gears is an awesome twin stick shooter from the guys at Vanguard Entertainment. They are the guys that most recently brought you Greed Corp on XBLA. Somehow this game went fairly unnoticed at PAX East. There was never a line to play, no real fan fare. I couldn't even get anyone at the booth to answer my questions about the game. Honestly, though, it didn't need the hype machine. If you enjoy twin stick shooters, this game is a day one purchase. Think Assault Heroes with a lot more polish. You walk around in mech suits and shoot everything that moves. The particle effects are pretty impressive and the lightning effects are gorgeous, some of the best I have seen on XBLA. The controls are as good as any game of its type. This could easily be one of the best arcade games coming out this year.

The local co-op was really solid, I'm interested to see how it plays online. If they can keep lag to a minimum, this could be a great game to play over Xbox LIVE. Unfortunately, the only info I have for a release date is Spring 2011 and there is no info on pricing.

1 comment:

  1. This looks pretty interesting. Great review stoph
