Tuesday, March 2, 2010

All your voices are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

I really couldn't weed out the good from the bad. I just started recording voice messages as they came.


  1. Hey, are you ever going to do any more actual posts on the games you play or the progress you're making.

    Not much of a blog at the moment is it?

  2. Seriously, this is pretty damn amazing.
    I'm going to be so excited when I see you at 9.9m!!!!
    Keep it up, I may place bets as to when youll hit the 1m!

  3. HAHAHA!!!!!! It is so funny how people accuse you of hacking stallion!!!! hahaha. Obviously they never saw you in gamer spotlight, obviously they resort to hacking cuz the 25 people above you ARE hackers. Anyway, good luck to you my friend and may the upcoming video games no tear up your wallet. (LOL) if you wanna play.. hit me up -
    xO Gx LiL GoDLy (400k here i come)

  4. teamxogx,i for one saw him but i saw also cheaters in gamer spotlight i also saw cheaters do and get the samething his got remember the first person to reach 100k stripclub dj and major nelson said he was legit but he was not and he got reseted major said i was wrong lol big joke,his just another hacker on the boards like the other 25.

  5. I don't see why everyone trash talks trash about your gamerscore anyway. That said though a lot of people on XBL are very negative for no reason.

  6. Stallion: Any update on your Top 360 games of 2010?

  7. Rofl, I just lol'd at the kid asking if he gets Gold when he reaches 50k.

    And I gotta say, you must get annoyed at times of all the messages people send you.. plus it doesn't help the Xbox stereotype that everyone who messaged you was either a child, or drunk.

  8. Ok to be honest with you i go into a game of MW2 with my girl, and i am bombarded with msgs and negative remarks. I have 350,000 gamerscore, and im tenth prestiege. call me a no-life, but i dont care. I am simply sticking up 4 stallion who has done nothing wrong. Calling him a no life or a hacker simply isnt true. UNLESS you have pure evidence (voice recording or video taping) of im hacking his GS or him saying he is a hacker. NO IM NOT A FANBOY, IM SIMPLY STICKING UP 4 HIM CUZ WE LEGIT GAMERS GET SO MUCH SHIT ND IT NEEDS TO STOP.

  9. wow, can't believe all that negativity. I am 38, have a wife and two kids and still have over 150000 points (and yes we play guitar hero as a family band :P)... I saw your profile once. Kudo's, I hope I will make it too one day
