Saturday, October 24, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

HerbalCardshark writes: go jump off a cliff u waste of human skin ive seen ur blog ive seen the photo thats bullsh*t u fat basterd i hope u and ur family burn in gaming hell u crummy 50 stone f*ckwit

john waynes gun writes: you have got to be the biggest loser i have ever seen on xbox live. are you a virgin too?

X KopiteKilla X writes: out of 525 games u have completed 282 with full gamescore GET A LIFE

I B4DBOYxTOM I writes: You. Have. No. Life.

nF xL14Mx writes: u need 2 get a life dude

DT Mozthic writes: Lol I love it how all these kids are hating on you and you just don't give a sh*t. Keep on scoring bro.

Achilles10Troy writes: good luck with one million but it would be nicer if you would try and complete all of the games at 100% cause with 525 games played you don't have a lot of gamerscore if u would've completed all the games u can,u wld've hd at lst 400000 just an idea

S83: I can't even think of anything to say to this. Nicer for you or nicer for me? I'm doing what I want to do.

KyraKupcake writes: I Love What u do and btw ur sooooooo cute. XOXO

Vx ST0RM xV writes: Dude youare my hero I LOVE YOU You are an idol to all achvmnt WHORES STAY cool and you will continually be worshipped
2nd message: you're still my hero evn if you do ignore all of my messages Keep up the great work 400K isnt very far away
3rd message: hey man thanks so much for msg me back. You seriously made me famous at my high school.(at least to all my gaming buds!) So yeah got any tips for good G-score whoring?

S83: Tip: Don't start whoring in the first place.

Crazy bear14 writes: I eat babies. =[ :( ] Nom.

S83: Let me guess. They taste like chicken?

KG Inferno writes: Do You Like Fish Sticks?
2nd message: your my hero and my idol :)

S83: No, I don't like fish sticks.

xJollyLlama writes: I jizzed in my pants first time I saw your score. Although, I realized you're missing Deja Vu in ODST. If you need some help with that, let me know.. I'd be honored to help such a gamerscore god as yourself

Mile AU writes: dude, you don't have enough time to make it to 1 million gamerpoints. THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 2012!


InfamousTruth writes: Hey man, I really dig what you're doing. Been reading your blog for a while now. I just have one concern I feel that playing the same game on different systems is kind of, I don't want to say cheating, but it makes your score flawed in my mind.
2nd message: I mean no disrespect from my first message. It is no doubt that you are legit. I just don't get the point of playing the same game over again, yes it's easy points, but does it seem fair? I am still a fan non the less, but maybe stick to one region?

S83: If you have a time machine by all means let's travel back to 2006. Make sure you bring a gun so you can make me put down that second copy of everyparty.

Pototox writes: Congratulations. I'm u big fan from Brasil! You're doing a great work. Keep it please! I wish I could be you friend. My goal is to finish this year with 30k. Let's see. Abraços!

Zombie High 5 writes: are my jesus!!!!!! Keep going! 1 million is just round the corner! also have you ever played a game after you got all the achievements not just once or twice but quite often?

D4RKNESS RE4PER writes: i like your web site. keep up the good work nuf respect from UK

vG I GaMe writes: hey ive been inspired by u

Ic3K0LdK11A writes: u r my virtual hero

S83: Are you going to pick up my action figure when it comes out? You can customize the bag of chips I am holding. How cool is that?

x PR3 ZippY x writes: wow u inspire me do u think u will reach 1 million

Ghetto Weto writes: you are my hero dude. good job doing what your doing. i believe in you! ignore all the other people who put you down. theyre just jealous! and i think you should be in the book of world records once you hit one million!!!

MONS1EUR FOL1E writtes: you are awesome.

WRXingCrew writes: just found your site the other day while checking the TrueAchievements leaderboard. i am but a fledgling achievement whore myself, and your gamerscore makes me weep tears of manly joy. teach me your ways, o wise one. keep it up!

cpsfmmfan writes: Hey, whats your total possible gamerscore? just wondering

S83: 437595. which includes all crappy, not worth a penny, DLC.

AJ iz FAMOUS writes: ill give you 1600 mp for u to put all ur games on my acc

S83: Your persuasive tactics are below average.

Timmy Palmore69 writes: WOOOOW!! u have a lot of gamer points...anyway can u get me some microsoft points so that i can get some arcade games???

S83: See above.

XxKLuChKiLLeRxX writes: hey i will pay u $5,000 for ur account
2nd message: hey accually i will pay you $10,000 for ur account message me back if you are intrested in this offer

S83: Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self


  1. That's funny! all the haters are just jealous because they wished they had a gamerscore like that. I certainly do! Keep it up bro!

  2. removing you from my friends list. what kind of fag hates fishsticks?

  3. lol, what is 'gaming hell'?? Is Leisure Suit Larry there?

  4. @fro

    Over some fish sticks? That's what you call cold.

    @chris From what I've heard Leisure suit larry not only lurks in gaming hell, it is the devil.

  5. I just wanna clear some things up. I'm not a hater, I think your awesome, I was just wondering about the different Console regions. I think I also sent you a 3rd msg on XBL and I think it said that your the man or something. Keep it up.

  6. nah I'm not that cold. I just had some really good fishsticks the other year.

  7. This was one of the funniest messages blogs. "I eat babies" WTF??

    @chris I think gaming hell resembles the ET game on Atari. You are forever stuck in one of those blocky holes in the ground.

  8. @Infamous I know your not a hater man. I was just saying what is done is done and I can't take it back now. There wasn't an abundance of games that came out weekly back in 2006. To keep treading water I had to basically play second version stuff.

    Also, let's not forget why I started playing a ton of double point games again. It was to win a GSL. I'm at a disadvantage in everyone I play in. Those second version games keep me afloat.

  9. Good luck with the 1million chase. I'm currently trying to just get a higher score than a friend of mine who unfortunately is 4000pts ahead.

    Also to those firing insults your way. Over-react much. Does his gamerscore hunt affect your life in anyway?

    Thought Not!

  10. Don't let 'em get u down man - fish gotta swim, haters gotta hate. U have a lot of fans out there.

  11. Just as a couple others said, ignore the idiots who think you have no life theyre the ones going on your blog just to post a hate comment on you ... idoits

    Anyway i know you can make it dude, make gaming history x]

  12. Hey DONT FORGET ABOUT WINDOWS LIVE ACHIEVMENTs!!!!! theres halo 2 and gears of war... if you want a extra couple hundred points

  13. Do you guys know why he appears offline? he gets hundreds of messages a day from you loosers, just because he has a fun time getting gamerscore doesn't mean you have to hate by jealousy.
