Saturday, October 30, 2010

500,000 Gamerscore

Well, I'm finally half way there. Its been one hell of a journey so far. Thanks for following me and thanks to everyone that helped me along the way. It's going to be a long process getting to 1,000,000, but hopefully I can make it there someday.

Yahoo! Games Interview/Article

"The 27 year-old Tennessee man already made a mark on his favorite hobby when he was officially recognized by Guinness World Records for having the highest Xbox 360 Gamerscore in the world. But where most players would hang up their controllers after such an accomplishment, Stallion83 is just getting started."

You can read the entire article HERE

Achievement Bounty 10-29-2010

Achievement Bounty 10-29-2010 (17) (385gs)

Achievement Bounty 10-28-2010

Achievement Bounty 10-28-2010 (2) (30gs)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Longer An Arbitrary Number, Stallion83 Does Reviews

It was only a matter of time before I put all that game playing to use.  My review scores will be carefully calculated with a lot of different elements in mind. One being every other game out there for comparison sake.  I believe I have a good feel for games across the spectrum. So it's easy for me to distinguish the horrible from the bad, the decent from the good, or the  great from the amazing better than most since I do play everything. Not just play, but play them to death.  Don't expect long winded write ups. Straight and to the point is what it's all about here. Most people only look at the scores anyway and nowadays people like short and sweet.  A game should be judged by how well it is in this day and age and how well it stacks up to the competition.  Who is better equipped to cover the whole spectrum?

You are still getting one man's opinion, of course, but from a man who plays everything.

Achievement Bounty 10-27-2010

Achievement Bounty 10-27-2010 (22) (375GS)
All Your Messages Are Belong To Me

Chaos Xing says: Please trademark the phrase "My Hero Hammer" and use it at appropriate times. I'll have to find a way to say that to my girlfriend, but I'll be hindered by my lack of the dude package. -ChaosXing, still the #1 lesbian fan.

Hot Tip for Fable III: Comes from Gamertag: KillerBEA X

*minor spoilers*
"When you become king, if you want to save time and a playthrough be a douchebag tyrant. Even that wont quite be enough you will need 800k more so upgrade any job to level 5. use that money to buy property. You will gain money from your property. Spend that earnings on better property. In about 2-3 hours of doing this i have earned over 300k. 10 k every time I do lute hero. Money wont be an issue after a while."

Got a HOT TIP? Send me a message.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

500,000 Across The Web

Quotes  from the article:

"Over at the 1 Million Gamerscore Blog you can read a full account of Stallion83's day, from "7:00AM — Miss Mittens woke me up by meowing her face off. She better make the coffee today,"

"Will he rest on his laurels, or continue the good fight? As I write this, he's online playing Karaoke Revolution. What a trooper."

Quote from the article:

"Dan Ryckert's Gamerscore is now over 98,000, Jeff Cork just hit the 100,000 mark, and executive editor Andrew Reiner is approaching an astounding 140,000 and  loves it. But I found one gamer who puts all three of them to shame...and then some."

Joystiq - The guy with half-million Gamerscore

Quote from the article:
"The only slightly avid gamer Stallion83 (we can only assume Stallion1 through 82 died due to severe thumb inflammation) is half-way to his goal of achieving one million Gamerscore on Xbox 360"

Quote from the article:

"Congrats on this victory, good sir. Now prepare for Internet users everywhere to belittle your accomplishment."

GamesRadar - World Gamerscore record holder reaches 500,000 


Quotes from article:

"The Guinness Book of World Records highest Gamerscore entrant for two years in a row can't stop now, and Xbox 360 fanatic Stallion83 isn't - he's just become the first in the world to reach half-a-million points on the 360 Achievement system."

"We don't even want to know how many Hannah Montana and Disney movie-themed games this guy has had to endure to keep pumping up that score, but it's nevertheless quite a stellar accomplishment."

Quotes from the article:

"A self-professed "achievement junkie," Stallion83 has vowed to never quit until he reaches a Gamerscore of 1,000,000."

"Stallion83 recently wrote that he plans on adding some usefulness to his Gamerscore blog by helping gamers with achievements that might pose a certain level of challenge. I suppose he feels safe enough with more than 500,000 points under his belt that now he can give away his secrets."

Quote from the article:

He broke the very impressive half a million points threshold by unlocking the 20 point 'Tournament of Chumps' Achievement in Telltale's own Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures."

Quotes from the article:

"To put it in perspective, if you stretch out the text of all his achievements into one word it’s well over one quarter of a mile long. At this point we’re guessing he’s at least twice that far from reaching second base with a living, breathing female."

"He chronicles his classic struggle on a minute-to-minute basis, so head on over to his site to read stirring entries like, “My cat is drinking all my water”

S83: Tiles, not text.  Like I really counted every character for every achievement. - Desperately trying to score

A Day In The Life: Fable III

A day long running blog. Refresh for latest updates.

10:20PM -- The winner with a right on the money guess of 305 is: Gamertag: OzarkSavage Congrats man! Remember, spend 2,400 Microsoft points this month, you get 800 back. I would take advantage of that. Your code will be sent over live in about 20 seconds. Thanks for entering.

10:17PM -- Well, I can't embed it, but Drum Roll Please..

9:41PM -- I guess I will do that, play a little more Fable III. Next week will be A Day in the Life with Kinect, probably next Thursday. I am looking forward to that.

9:28PM -- The tally is 305GS so far. Hmmm...I may play a little more of Fable III.

 9:23PM -- (8) for (120gs) in Star Wars. I have been watching a lot of the Miami vs Boston game and it looks like I am somehow half way done with Star Wars. This game is way too short. It has fairly easy achievement, also.

 8:15PM -- Ate some beef stew, forgot to take a picture. Miami getting crushed.

8:10PM -- It just seems like there isn't enough new in the Star Wars game to be a proper sequel. I don't hate it but I don't love it. But I am content playing it.

8:08PM -- (3) for (50gs) in Star Wars. I guess I need to check out the new look Heat for a minute on TNT.  185GS far the day.

7:11PM -- (3) for (30gs) in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Seems like more of the same as the first, but seems decent enough. 

6:19PM Banana, Broccoli, and Cauliflower 

 6:09PM -- Firing up Star Wars: Force Unleashed II to check that out. Getting something to eat first.

5:16PM -- Got that all done with. I was going to exercise more but there's not a lot of time left in the day. Going to make some phone calls then hop in the shower. Star Wars when I get out. Rand, I am your father.

5:000PM -- Was working on getting some strange in fable III

 4:59PM -- Moving on to dips

4:45PM -- Done with that now doing pull ups. Still at 105gs for the day, I'm really not sure how much I will get today.

4:35PM -- Starting off with some bench press, I have really sore wrists today.

4:23PM -- I'm really enjoying Fable III, getting addicted to it.  I am going to work out before I get too hooked. I'll try Star Wars out here in a bit.

3:01PM -- Okay, back to some Fable III. Might try Star Wars in a little bit while I wait for Omega. Speaking of Omega and V8. I'm surprised I like V8, as I HATE tomatoes. Where does Omega fit into this? One of the reasons why I hate tomatoes is because Omega's brother tried to shove one down my throat at a produce stand. I threw up everywhere. I was like 10, he was like 30. Asshole.

2:56PM -- If my count is correct, I am at 105gs for the day so far.

2:54 PM Two tacos (not fast food) Yogurt, and V8. Centrum vitamin.
2:32PM -- Short break for some grub.

 2:09PM -- (1) for (10gs). Just did all types of kills. Magic, melee, and ranged weapon. The freebies are nice.

1:52PM -- Just got my weapons. Not sure if these are the ones based off your gamerscore. My Hero hammer is pretty long and your weapons are suppose to grow in length by how many enemies you kill. It doesn't seem like there is much room for growth.

1:31PM -- Pressing the start button takes you to your "home base" where you can change your clothes, save your game, and do other various things. I think it was a brilliant idea to replace the menu system with. The best part, you hit start again and it takes you back to the very spot you were at in the game world. With no loading time!

1:02PM -- Winner will be announced and contacted before 10:30PM EST. Lakers first game of the season tonight, so I will be packing it in early. Celtics fans need to watch the ring ceremony. :)

 1:00 PM -- 1:00PM Deadline all guesses from here on are not valid.

12:57PM -- Drinking  a glass of Cranberry juice.

12:54PM -- Just a few minutes left to put in a guess.

12:52PM -- (1) for (10gs) for something that is story related. Man, I hope the co-op is good this time, a lot of potential.

12:29PM -- (1) for (10gs) in Fable III. Shake hands with 20 people. You can do this in the very first courtyard you go into. I've got to tell you, I wasn't the biggest fan of Fable I or Fable II. (mostly due to crap co-op in II) I am liking this a lot so far, I want to see everything. I want to explore.

 12:21PM -- Kicked a chicken over a cliff from downtown....swish...3points....not gamerscore.

12:15PM -- (1) for (5gs) in Fable III. For holding hands with another person.

12:10PM -- I want to be a Prince. People don't seem to mind if you belch in their face.

 12:08PM -- 52 minutes left to lock in your guess for the points.

12:03PM -- Opening cut-scene is cool. Graphics leave a lot to be desired. Pop up achievement progress bar is a welcome feature. All games need the achievement progress bar.

11:49AM -- About to start Fable III up. Once again, I haven't looked at a single preview/review nor did I seek out videos or screen shots. Same goes for Star Wars.

11:44AM -- Still getting that update...I should be playing co-op in Fable III at some point....whenever Omega gets on.

11:41AM --Both games installed. Getting a system update....

 11:31AM -- Still installing the games.... had to redeem a code for Fable III which gives some sort of free content.

11:25AM Had a handful of nuts and little bit of cottage cheese
11:17AM -- Heard nothing good on the radio while I was out.

11:12AM -- Fable III is rated M and has blood, language, sexual content, use of alcohol, and violence. Star Wars: The force unleashed II is rated T and has Violence.  All about the violence today, I guess I should have gotten Rock Band 3 for some peace and harmony. 

11:09AM -- Back with Fable III and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. I'm going to install those while I eat.

10:07AM -- (4) for (40gs) in VA. Getting ready to pick up Fable III and maybe something else, who knows.

9:42AM -- My starting score for the day was 501,948.

9:34AM -- (1) for (10gs) in VA. Going to go pick up Fable III within the hour. Still drinking coffee and water.

9:09AM -- (1) for (20gs) In Velvet Assassin JP. Sorry Marx0r. :(

8:52AM -- There is still around 4 hours left to lock in your guess for a chance to win the points.

8:42AM -- I'm sure most of you guys have already played it. If it helps one person out, then that's good enough for me. About to fire Velvet up.

 8:35AM -- Sadly the capture card that I ordered about a month ago won't ship out until tomorrow. I can however play in standard definition and give you some videos. Velvet Assassin tips anyone? I can do a run through of a level to show you how the majority of the game is done with the God mode activated.

8:32AM -- Checking some messages

8:30 AM tiny Cinnamon Raisin bagel and a cup of coffee

8:15AM -- So I hear you get sweet equipment in Fable III based on how high your gamerscore is. I wonder what the ceiling is for the best equipment? My guess would be 100k.

 8:11AM -- I watched Shutter Island before I feel asleep last night...Pretty good movie, not great, but good.

8:07AM -- Making the usual pot of coffee and giving Miss Mittens a good petting.

7:56AM -- Trying to wake myself up, still very tired.

Time is up! Thanks for Entering!

Here is how I will give away the 1600 Microsoft points.

How many gamerscore points will I score during a day in the life with Fable III?  

Make your guess on this post.

You must include a valid gamertag with your guess.

One guess per person

Everyone is eligible no matter where you live as long as you have a valid gamertag.  

The deadline to enter is 1:00PM EST on 10-26-2010.

If nobody guesses correctly it will go to the person with the closest guess. If there happens to be a tie, I will draw names out of a hat.

Now, it is total gamerscore for all games I play today, not just gamerscore obtained on Fable III. 

Good luck.


Winner will also be announced tomorrow.

From KaibaChaos
"You might want to also note that the points are region locked. Not that it's too much of a problem getting an American account though."

Like A Kid In A Candy Store

Achievement Bounty 10-26-2010 (24) (305gs)
I think I am finally back to normal. Being sick for an entire week made it difficult to get back into the swing of things. There are a ton of games out right now that I want to play. I am also looking forward to trying out all the new Kinect games that come out next week. After that, we have more games being piled on, then the release of Windows phone 7 with a bajillion games. It is a very good time to be a gamer. It also happens to be my favorite time of the year, the NBA just started back up, and there are stacks of games to try out. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Achievement Bounty 10-25-2010

Achievement Bounty 10-25-2010 (7) (140gs)

Monday, October 25, 2010


Achievement Bounty 10-24-2010 (3) (40GS)
Not really much to say at all about this turd of a bounty. Once again I find myself saying, "tomorrow."