Blazblue is really a great 2D fighter. There is a lot going on, one thing that isn't going on is live play. I did however, manage to find a few going on last night. It seemed a tad laggy but I'm not surprised about that. Like everyone already knows, the regular Xbox controller blows when trying to command a fighting game. Putting it on the back burner for the time being. I'll probably go back in a few months and get my 1k. I recommend it to fighting fans, one of the best on the system and probably the best 2D fighter.
All your messages are belong to me - Xbox Live message of the day
Beer Goggles says: Good luck hitting that million! You have some balls of pure endurance.
S83: That's a bit of an odd thing to say to another man.
There's a ton of people playing player matches, it's weird, the first Blazblue had plenty of ranked matches, but there's still enough really. I'd like to see you get the Superior State of Mind achievement, and then I will see you as a true warrior haha. Just clearing the air about the live play.