Monday, December 28, 2009

13 of 12...

So, games for windows live is a tad glitched. I unlocked the final achievement in Where's Waldo earlier and it only appeared unlocked within games for windows live. It was missing in action on and xbox live. I decided to try and re-pop it and now this is what it shows. It actually shows up on now, but only for 200. Don't be alarmed, I didn't get any extra points. This picture is proof. I pwn at Where's Waldo. Come speak to me when you have 13 out of 12.

Let's play Where's Turd, betcha can't find him.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What else is there to say? I wore myself down to a nub. Not sure where I will go from here. (approach) Maybe finish off some games (yes, probably some crappy ones) and stick with some good stuff for awhile. Ninja, Dragon Age, and maybe some Mass Effect. A lot of good games to look forward to this upcoming year. Rand told me I couldn't get to 400k this year, so I was a little motivated to prove him wrong.