Monday, December 28, 2009

13 of 12...

So, games for windows live is a tad glitched. I unlocked the final achievement in Where's Waldo earlier and it only appeared unlocked within games for windows live. It was missing in action on and xbox live. I decided to try and re-pop it and now this is what it shows. It actually shows up on now, but only for 200. Don't be alarmed, I didn't get any extra points. This picture is proof. I pwn at Where's Waldo. Come speak to me when you have 13 out of 12.

Let's play Where's Turd, betcha can't find him.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What else is there to say? I wore myself down to a nub. Not sure where I will go from here. (approach) Maybe finish off some games (yes, probably some crappy ones) and stick with some good stuff for awhile. Ninja, Dragon Age, and maybe some Mass Effect. A lot of good games to look forward to this upcoming year. Rand told me I couldn't get to 400k this year, so I was a little motivated to prove him wrong.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

vG LIGHTNING x writes: Got a chipped xbox i see, playing a game before it even comes out, nice going...

ColdP1zza writes: Come on, just 1 reply. That's all I ask. Just send me back the letter "a". I don't care what the message says. Just holla' back.
2nd message: You know, when I think about it your probably not even reading these. You prolly just get a million "so and so sent you a message" icons at the bottom of your screen constantly.
3rd message: Come on dude, your like a legend. Just send me a quick message back, I just want to bask in your glory.
4th message: I just want to say I love. And I respect you. Your like a lightbulb that glows music. An inspiration to us all. I'd love a reply.
5th message: If you reply to this message, I will give you a virtual BJ, do you know what thats like? Seriously though, this is the last message I will send you. You would be my hero if you sent me a reply. I love you, bye.

Subliminal Eh writes: You get hundreds of achievements while it says you are offline, proven through XBL.COM. Interesting?
2nd message: Offline for 18 hours and you STILL get achievements. Nice bot, f*cking cheater

S83: See preferences on the settings blade within the guide.

Po1ish Fury writes: lol i wish u da best of luk but get a life

TKS FATAL1TY writes: omfg you are a fuckin beast your gamerscore is fuckin krazy the are the best man
2nd message: you are the best ever you f@ckin rock f@ckin insane gamerscore man please send me a message back i love you your are the coolest gamer ever!

meowmixmix writes: how about we make a stallion/cat alliance?

S83: I'll have to consult with my kitty first.

Chris Laws writes: Ah can now die in peace, now that ah've finally messaged you. You are an inspiration to every living creature, even if they don't realize it just yet. The world'd be a better place if every single person was you. Not LIKE you. If they WERE you.

BL1NDSK8ER writes: its about time someone is doing something worthwhile

Naked Pokemon writes: WOW GET A LIFE NOOB

I Sheepy Boi I writes: man your a sad c*nt.

THE253sGREATEST writes: hey stallion new achievement that you only unlocked. BIGGEST LOSER IN THE WORLD....GS= 1,000,000. there you go your quest is over hahahahaha

GeT SnIpEd 180 writes: u have no life f*ck u need to get lain for 1ns in ur life

HE is MATT writes: You really are quite lazy dude. I get annoyed at all the people that bitch at you, but do you take pride in just getting easy achievements? A big gamerscore doesn't seem impressive when you just half ass a game and move on.

S83: Has it ever crossed your pea sized brain that some games really suck ass? We'll, they do and sometimes I'm in no mood to finish games when I could be playing ones I enjoy more.

oG x B u LL etz writes: fag u profile glitcher

Phat Andrew writes: unsafesh0tgun for life, you wasted yours

UNSAFESH0TGUN writes: i would like to speak with you about my gamerscore!

Taipan20 writes: ur gamer score is awesome man i wish i was good as you lol you no life loser

DetTigers15Fan writes: You're kind of my hero. "Keep On Keepin' On"


IK IR Y IP T writes: u are cleary a cheater getting games saves there is no way to play japan games on your american console unless its modded im surprised microsoft hasnt sniffed u out yet

sacredninjas writes: way to mod ur gamerscore fag i thought u were good to

x ScHoLSeY x writes: F**KiNG HELL your a legend, how the hell do you get all these games most of them i've never even heard of, keep at it

x Epic Pyro x writes: i call myself an achievement whore, then i look at your gamerscore.....


S83: In the words of the greatest poet I know, Omega Deez, that sounds like some "dork shit"

WiesoSolt3Ich writes: woher haste so viel gamerscore?ich kenne nu ein mit 125

ALEX 6ZX writes: как ты заработал так много очков ? или гейм скоров ?

tomekstaszekrrr writes: witam znalazlem cie na forum,no wynik masz niezly gratulacje ,mam problem moze mi pomozesz ,dostalem bana i konto ktura mam z goldem grajac na konsoli zbanowanej w gry pirac ,a puzniej zmieniajac dysk na druga konsole tylko orgin i grajac na tym samy
2nd message: kacie tylko na grach orgina ,czy moga mi zablokowac druga konsole lub konto

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Before the 360: My gaming roots

My first gaming experience was at the early age of 3 with the Atari system back in the mid 80's. I enjoyed playing Pong, the boxing game, and that maze tank game the most. The first game I beat was Mario Brothers at the age of 5. My favorite game during the NES years was Mike Tyson’s Punch out. I never beat Mike back then but I couldn’t let him haunt me my entire life. In 2001, I got a wild hair to revisit Mike. I finally got him back by beating him in a decision. I couldn’t just let it stand as a decision, I had to beat him decisively. So, my very first try the next day I knocked him out.

Through-out the early stages of my life I had all the systems and played on a regular basis but not extreme amounts. I was doing the normal kid stuff and was involved in sports. The same held true up until the Xbox and Halo came out. It got addicting then. Even though Halo wasn’t online at the time, I could see the future and I wanted in. My buddies and I would do the LAN thing and it was a blast, but I wanted more. When Xbox live launched in 2002, I was left out in the cold. I had a dilemma; the area I lived in did not have broadband connections at the time. I wanted to play against people online very badly. I thought it was the ultimate rush and the evolution of gaming. While I waited for broadband to become available, I honed my skills on a 56k modem via PC and Unreal Tournament 2003. It was fun I guess, but my ping was outrageous so the lag was unbearable. I was finally able to get that broadband connection in 2003. So, of course I got hooked up to Xbox Live. I played a lot of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Counter-strike at first, but that was child's play to what would happen next.

In 2004, the ultimate addiction came out, Halo 2. I got my copy at midnight and the first thing I did was play online. I fell asleep with the game still going and when I woke up, I immediately started playing again. That’s when you know a game will own your soul for a good chunk of time. Needless to say, I was hooked on Halo 2 and it was the main game I played day in and out for a year. I retired Halo 2 when the 360 came out and my love for that game carried right over into achievements and here I am today.

During my 20+ years of gaming I’ve always played various genres. At some point I’ve probably liked just about all of them. I think that helps me in this gamerscore thing. My favorite genre today is FPS.

Sega Genesis

Here are some of my All-Time favorite games in no particular order: Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Mega Man, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Mario Bros 1-3, Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Nba Jam, Halo 2, Goldeneye, Sim City, Warcraft II, Gran Turisomo 2, Forza 1, SSX, Earthbound, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Splinter Cell series on xbox, Soul Calibur, Sonic, Tony Hawk 3, Grand Theft Auto 3 & Vice City, Devil May Cry, ICO, Mortal Kombat 3, Burnout 3: Takedown, Twisted Metal, 1 Madden game, and 1 nba2k game. I’m probably leaving some gems off, but that is what I recall off the top of my head.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What about Bob?

In the G4 TV article i'm referred to as Robert. That is not my real name. I'm not sure if it was a mistake or if Patrick was protecting my identity. I just wanted to clear that up.

*edit* The article is updated with the correct name now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Wilvid writes: i absolutely h8 u omg i actually screamed wen i saw how sad u were omg u make me so angry my god sell ya precious xbox and ur millions of games and go out and loose ur f**** virginity!!!! i seriously h8 u!!! 380000 g omg u have had it 6 years omg!

Kacksy writes: Love you <3

Internal x Pain writes: ur a ugly c*nt n get a life u f*cking fagget

iluvhotmail writes: before i go to bed here in oregon, i just wanna say that your sexy

SecretJuicepak7 writes: wow ur a fail if play any game to get ur gc up thats not good 4 making friends either gezz i cant believe u would play some of these games epic fail of the world

x M A S H E D x writes: F*cKING LOVE U

ANDY3587 writes: ur hell a virgin

Ogiichidawg24 writes: im in complete fukkin awe man u mus b one damn gud gamer ur a legend in my book bro

Flyinghost writes: wow ur crazy do u have alife??? just a simple question no bad feeling alright jsut askin

ImpairedRay writes: OH MY GOD. UR A LEGEND!

oggiebob writes: I realized that you and Kobe Bryant .are a lot alike. .You are both really good at what you do and not many people can do it. you thrive off of people telling you that you can't, yet you have a lot of fans. The only difference? You are #1.

M1ck3h writes: i feel some kind of intellectual exaltation reading the brainless messages you receive from moronic twelve year old children on your blog. i wish i could personally suffocate each one. <3
2nd message: i mean seriously, i personally want to strangle the complete sh*t out of these goddamn condescending f*cktards who send you hateful bullsh*t. f*ck, what do they have to say about their life -- nothing. you are a passionate inspiration. ^^

Mvan3000 writes: is there anyway possible that you can me becauce your friends list is full
2nd message: come on why not add me im great
3rd message: come on dont do this to me u need me on your friends list
4th message: for the love of god add me
5th message: come on dude i love looking at your gamerscore
6th message: why not add me
7th message: come on add me im number 1 in world on yaris

Woman Mechanic writes: My tits are bigger than your head!!!

BR21 Scylla writes: how much do u charge to someone who wants 2 b in ur friends list

xV FlatLine Vx writes: Hey, heres a good way to get a lot of prople viewing your blog. Do streams on justin tv. of you just getting achievements, a lot of prople will watch. Oh and sorry about all the chat invites i send, its to see your GS counting down to 400k

S83: Interesting idea. I may do something like that in the future.

G4TV article

"The Man With An Xbox Live Gamerscore Of 384,155 Points"

If you haven't checked out this article yet, you can find it HERE

Thursday, November 5, 2009

15,000 achievements & The Ganglion Cyst

Sometime yesterday I got to the 15,000 achievement mark. It was either during Lego Rock Band or Band Hero. At the rate I'm going, I'll have roughly 38,000 achievements once I hit 1,000,000 gamerscore.

I'm still alive for those wondering. I've been wanting to sit down and write something but my hand has been hurting. Actually, it's my wrist. Both of them! I have a ganglion cyst on the top of my wrist's. They are not as nasty looking as those found in the wiki but my left hand sure is sore. I'm not entirely sure when they developed. I'm certain it's from lifting weights and playing way too much 360. I may have to limit my xbox time over the next couple of days to let it heal. Inspiring achievement whores have been warned.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

HerbalCardshark writes: go jump off a cliff u waste of human skin ive seen ur blog ive seen the photo thats bullsh*t u fat basterd i hope u and ur family burn in gaming hell u crummy 50 stone f*ckwit

john waynes gun writes: you have got to be the biggest loser i have ever seen on xbox live. are you a virgin too?

X KopiteKilla X writes: out of 525 games u have completed 282 with full gamescore GET A LIFE

I B4DBOYxTOM I writes: You. Have. No. Life.

nF xL14Mx writes: u need 2 get a life dude

DT Mozthic writes: Lol I love it how all these kids are hating on you and you just don't give a sh*t. Keep on scoring bro.

Achilles10Troy writes: good luck with one million but it would be nicer if you would try and complete all of the games at 100% cause with 525 games played you don't have a lot of gamerscore if u would've completed all the games u can,u wld've hd at lst 400000 just an idea

S83: I can't even think of anything to say to this. Nicer for you or nicer for me? I'm doing what I want to do.

KyraKupcake writes: I Love What u do and btw ur sooooooo cute. XOXO

Vx ST0RM xV writes: Dude youare my hero I LOVE YOU You are an idol to all achvmnt WHORES STAY cool and you will continually be worshipped
2nd message: you're still my hero evn if you do ignore all of my messages Keep up the great work 400K isnt very far away
3rd message: hey man thanks so much for msg me back. You seriously made me famous at my high school.(at least to all my gaming buds!) So yeah got any tips for good G-score whoring?

S83: Tip: Don't start whoring in the first place.

Crazy bear14 writes: I eat babies. =[ :( ] Nom.

S83: Let me guess. They taste like chicken?

KG Inferno writes: Do You Like Fish Sticks?
2nd message: your my hero and my idol :)

S83: No, I don't like fish sticks.

xJollyLlama writes: I jizzed in my pants first time I saw your score. Although, I realized you're missing Deja Vu in ODST. If you need some help with that, let me know.. I'd be honored to help such a gamerscore god as yourself

Mile AU writes: dude, you don't have enough time to make it to 1 million gamerpoints. THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 2012!


InfamousTruth writes: Hey man, I really dig what you're doing. Been reading your blog for a while now. I just have one concern I feel that playing the same game on different systems is kind of, I don't want to say cheating, but it makes your score flawed in my mind.
2nd message: I mean no disrespect from my first message. It is no doubt that you are legit. I just don't get the point of playing the same game over again, yes it's easy points, but does it seem fair? I am still a fan non the less, but maybe stick to one region?

S83: If you have a time machine by all means let's travel back to 2006. Make sure you bring a gun so you can make me put down that second copy of everyparty.

Pototox writes: Congratulations. I'm u big fan from Brasil! You're doing a great work. Keep it please! I wish I could be you friend. My goal is to finish this year with 30k. Let's see. Abraços!

Zombie High 5 writes: are my jesus!!!!!! Keep going! 1 million is just round the corner! also have you ever played a game after you got all the achievements not just once or twice but quite often?

D4RKNESS RE4PER writes: i like your web site. keep up the good work nuf respect from UK

vG I GaMe writes: hey ive been inspired by u

Ic3K0LdK11A writes: u r my virtual hero

S83: Are you going to pick up my action figure when it comes out? You can customize the bag of chips I am holding. How cool is that?

x PR3 ZippY x writes: wow u inspire me do u think u will reach 1 million

Ghetto Weto writes: you are my hero dude. good job doing what your doing. i believe in you! ignore all the other people who put you down. theyre just jealous! and i think you should be in the book of world records once you hit one million!!!

MONS1EUR FOL1E writtes: you are awesome.

WRXingCrew writes: just found your site the other day while checking the TrueAchievements leaderboard. i am but a fledgling achievement whore myself, and your gamerscore makes me weep tears of manly joy. teach me your ways, o wise one. keep it up!

cpsfmmfan writes: Hey, whats your total possible gamerscore? just wondering

S83: 437595. which includes all crappy, not worth a penny, DLC.

AJ iz FAMOUS writes: ill give you 1600 mp for u to put all ur games on my acc

S83: Your persuasive tactics are below average.

Timmy Palmore69 writes: WOOOOW!! u have a lot of gamer points...anyway can u get me some microsoft points so that i can get some arcade games???

S83: See above.

XxKLuChKiLLeRxX writes: hey i will pay u $5,000 for ur account
2nd message: hey accually i will pay you $10,000 for ur account message me back if you are intrested in this offer

S83: Chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self

Friday, October 16, 2009

On the noggin

Over the last week I've played entirely too much Chromehounds. It's really crushing my gamerscore whore of a soul. PiP has been my bestest friend in the whole wide worlds!( a baby with one tooth hijacked that last sentence) Thankfully I am almost done with the most grinding part. When I set the goal of getting to 400,000 by the end of the year, I did not envision this type of monkey wrench in the scheme. I just made things a lot tougher on myself.

Brutal Legend: Awesome. It is one of the better single player games of the year. Very unique and interesting through out. The game is really short if you just trail blaze through the story. After the game is over there is still a ton to do. I just don't know if I'm in a collectible mood when there is at least one game per week I HAVE to play. I think I'll put the rest of the achievements on hold until the rush is over.

Where the Wild Thing are: I only played the first two levels but it doesn't seem that bad for a kids game. All the achievements seem pretty straight forward and easy to accomplish. There are a ton of collectibles to be found but they seem to be less headache inducing than most.

The game I HAVE to play this upcoming week. Borderlands. 4 player co-op. Shooter. Wasteland. Customization. Nuff said.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

NBA 2k10 Vs NBA LIVE 10

Kobe=NBA 2k10
Rondo=NBA Live 10

As of 9/10/09 The NBA 2k10 online play is not functioning properly but I've got in a few games and know what it plays like. Team-up mode and making a crew is pretty freaking cool and very addicting. Even with 10 people it runs smooth when it works. So take my word for it, don't play it online for a couple of weeks. They are working on a patch. In the mean time, 2k has game modes for days! There is so much stuff to sink your teeth into. If you are a basketball junkie like myself, you should appreciate what this game has to offer. At first I hated the menu system. I don't really hate it anymore, it gets the job done. They integrated the online play very nicely into what you would think was single player only menus. It just took some getting use to.

Nba live 10 on the other hand works online but I don't see why anyone would actually want to play it. The team up mode found in 2k10 is light years ahead of Live. Not only that, every aspect that you would care about when it comes to basketball games 2k trumps Live in.

I realize some people prefer EA sports games over 2k. If you are one of the people that like your NBA Live over 2k, there is good news, NBA Live 10 is the best Live on the 360.

Which one is everybody playing? I would say 2k. A few hours ago the online lobbies said 16,000. Last night NBA live 10 said around 3,000.

Presentation winner:
2k10 -- My first impression I would've leaned towards Nba Live for staying the same as it does year in and year out. The 2k10 menu system is something that would be found in the year 3000. Strange at first, but kind of unique after extended use.

Graphics winner:
2k10 -- Player models and animations are quite a bit better.

Sound winner:

Gameplay winner:
2k10 -- for being more realistic

Online play winner:
NBA live 10 -- for now.... If they fix everything up in 2k10 with a patch, 2k10 will be the greatest simulation basketball game ever.

Easier achievements:
NBA Live 10

Maybe in a few years LeBron. You still have a lot to learn from the master.

Making your own highlight reels is good fun also. I made this one earlier.

Back to some Team-up mode even if it takes forever to get a game going. It's totally worth it when people play their role.

Friday, October 2, 2009

All your messages and voices are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Unknown gamertag says: (I deleted his name by accident)

JPR01 writes: omg youre playing wanted again faggot. jesus dude go out and get a real job im sick of your sh*t. LOSER! o go back to madden 10 new achievements unlocked faggot you need them. get some money, friends, and p*ssy

AchivementJunky writes: I will beat your score...

M1ck3h writes: have my babies. forever and ever. ily. <3

Dannnnn The Man wrties: Why do i love you so much?

Lucas Burkley writes: i love u GREAT JOB

Lil Dr Pooch writes: Why you hating on us niggas?
2nd message: Why you hatin' on us nigguhs mane?

S83: Are you okay man?

Wazari X wrties: I am a big fan of you :) I watching on every day. I hope i can come to your friendlist :)

S83: When Microsoft ups the friend list to 200 be sure to hit me with one.

Veritas34 writes: Get A f*ckin life.

LTS o MiLenkO o writes: your a loser

WackyBamurdead writes: You sir...neeed a life

Killtacularx187 writes: why so titbatish seriosly man why

KiplingKirby writes: ur da f*kin man

SpookDog07 writes: i think ur brilliant at what you do. thanks for inspiration. could i get a spot on ur friends list please mate and track you.

Role2b writes: Hey dude just wanted to say respect. I know you get alot of greif off people but seriously mate it takes a lot of determination and sacrifice to do what you do, keep it up man.

PhoneyMold writes: when do u think youll get a million

S83: Before December 31 2015

Xrteric89 writes: well done u can 500k gs in 2011?

S83: I will be trying to get 500k in 2010

XMaXXXedOutX writes: have you played ever single 360 title to date?

S83: Not quite. 516 out of maybe 900 or so. That 900 is a guess but with PC, arcade, and foreign titles, it should be a close estimation.

akatsuki081996 writes: wut r u goin 2 do when u get 2 a million

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chrome Hounds High

A new day, a new war. My real Chrome Hounds experience started today. I have until January to get what I can. The servers will be shut down then. 1,000 for me is not possible. I wouldn't want to torture myself for 1,000 hours. Even not going for broke seems to be a very tedious affair. The only thing that makes this somewhat fun is that a group of us are trying to accomplish a goal. Win the war. I'll admit, I am still a nubcookie when it comes to this game. I am getting my wings, slowly but surely.

I was going to gun for an achievement a day for a few weeks. A nice slow pace suits me well with this one. I may end up pushing it so we can get a few of the harder medals once the war is complete. I am jaded when it comes to unlocking achievements in general, no doubt about it. Getting them in Chrome Hounds feels oddly satisfying for some reason. I can't remember the last time I got an achievement high. It could be the fact that I never thought I would play it. It sat here on my self for over 3 years aging like a bottle. Chrome Hounds...the finest wine.

What our squad must do:

For lulz. I had this stupid song in my head for weeks after playing that Disney Sing it game. I'm sorry sing it fans, but this is dog poo. I should have no business putting my hands in your poo. The crap and/or poo I touch for achievements...*sigh* .

Games that WILL melt your face

BattleField Bad Company 2

Why your face WILL melt:
Now that Dice has a few console FPS under their belt they have the experience. I still believe they will make the greatest console game EVER sometime in the near future. It might be Battlefield 3 whenever they unleash that. You will not find this type of destruction in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I know COD is favored by most, but Battlefield is the next best thing.

When your face WILL melt:
March 2, 2010

How to prepare yourself for a melted face:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blog turns 1, dies from old age

I started this blog up 1 year ago today. What have I learned? A blog is a good way to vent. I've probably converted a few people into becoming achievement whores over the course of this year. For that, I am truly sorry. Anyone that left me a comment, sent me encouraging mail, or hate mail. Thank you. I will continue venting here for the foreseeable future. Anything blog related I should do? Maybe a new sexy look? Get new blood blogging on here? I'm open for suggestions.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Interview turned article

Title of the article "Embracing your inner xbox360 achievement addict"

Here is a snippet of the article taken from &

"You find yourself boasting (repeatedly) to your friends that you’ve got the maximum 1000 gamerscore in the game…and log in to your console just to bring up the screen that proves it."

"Oddly enough, your friends don’t seem to care."

"The next day at work, you spend an hour researching the best ways to kill enemies, gather collectables, or glitch to make it easier to unlock more achievements in your next game. You continue to tell yourself you’re still in control."

"Next, you find yourself taking a day off work just to try to boost a game online; after all, you can’t finish it off without those pesky multiplayer achievements!"

"Stallion83’s current goal, to reach 1,000,000 gamerscore, began last fall (he’s aiming to have it done by December 31, 2014), and his website at chronicles his efforts. He identifies as a Hybrid addict: “I have different cycles that I go into during the course of a year,” he says. “My main cycle is to get the most out of a game and then move on to another game. I usually come back months later and top a lot of those off.”

To see the full article go HERE or HERE. Nice job Steve.

I had a few interviews lined up at the time but I was busy with the gamerscore league and only did one. UFC gaming and Australian 360 mag were the other two that contacted me at the time. I'm glad I ended up not doing the Aussie one. It turns out they focused mostly on the Aussie #1 guy who happens to be a cheater :(. Check THIS thread out for the lulz. I've heard that they are doing a follow up which is good news and I would be happy to do it now. Look out for something else soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Halo 3 ODST impressions

Will update throughout the day.

11:12pm -- I'll reserve further judgment on the campaign until I finish it up. If you are a halo fan you should enjoy firefight mode. ODST is not the next best thing, it's just here to tide us over. The campaign just doesn't have the usual halo epicness. The music and sound effects are really good and well above average.

6:54pm -- Not sure what to think about the campaign. It's good, but I had more fun playing firefight. Legendary is a cake walk in co-op.

4:07pm -- Firefight is sooo dang fun, especially with 4 people. I can't wait to try out all the levels. I'm about to check out the campaign. There is a weird lag freeze issue going on. It only lasts for a second and happens rarely, but it's still annoying. Oh, the graphics are improved, the framerate seems much smoother than that of halo 3 multi.

12:04pm -- Firefight mode is excellent. I only played a few maps by myself but it sure crushes horde mode found in Gears 2. I don't notice a huge leap in graphics, but the effects are still top notch. Just waiting for people to get online to play co-op with.


3 years ago today I reached number 1 in the world for gamerscore, unofficially. September 22, 2006 is the day I passed up STtheking. It's unknown if he was still legit or even legit at all during that time. Everyone else ahead of me cheated at some capacity. The time could be longer but it's no less than 3 years. That I'm certain of. It came around the 52,000 point mark and I did it while playing the American version of Enchanted Arms. I'm not sure what happened to ST, but I do know whoever uses that gamertag now is not the same person. I have to give Kaens props for making that legit leaderboard back in the day. He helped tremendously with the non cheating movement.

My will to become number 1 overall is not the only thing that drove me. It has to do with character. My respect for xbox live and the system. I still don't get why people cheated the way the did. It's something I will always wonder about. It's a trait I wasn't born with so I don't know how it feels to be that way. The only way you can truly win is by doing things the correct way. When you have a fantastic dream at night it never involves cutting corners.

Most people don't know what it was like the very first year of whorefest. It was the dark days. Not a huge selection of games to choose from. The arcade games released then would be considered drizzle on your xbox live forecast. I reckon if I started over on a new tag today I could gain over 100,000 in less than 30 days, with ease. Just because of my previous knowledge of the games I would cut through them like butter. I guess that's sort of a shot at some people saying so and so would beat you if they started from the beginning.

Time for some Halo 3 ODST. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I can't believe it's almost October already! 1MG blog is almost 1 year old. Halo 3 ODST is being released this Tuesday and I'm really excited about trying out the co-op and firefight mode. Not to mention the new maps for Halo 3 multiplayer.

I'm still working towards my goal of 400,000 and I hope to hit that by the end of the year. I am slightly off track but not by much. I have some games sitting here that I will be trying to get done before those slime bag publishers axe the online play. Chromehounds, FIFA 08, and Need for Speed Pro Street. Chromehounds I won't get done, but I want to get something out of it. The Chromehounds servers will be shut down in January. If you didn't get the memo, consider yourself served. As for the other two games, I'm not sure. With EA involved every online game is a ticking time bomb. DON'T CUT THE BLUE WIRE! Need for Speed Pro Street might have some life left to it. It was recently released for games on demand and touts mutliplayer features. It's recently departed sibling, Carbon, sings a different tune. No multiplayer features touted.

I'm really wanting to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 but the online co-op seems to be a buggy mess. I wanted to knock most of that out before Halo 3 ODST was released but that doesn't look possible. I've been entertained by WET. WET is fun. I'm not getting into good, great, or awesome talk. It's just FUN. It's like Max Payne, Strangle Hold, Kill Bill, and 007 movie intros. Not 60 bucks fun, an appropriate price would've been 40 dollar, dollar bills y'all.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All your messages and voices are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

C sMoOVe 22 writes: u need a LIFE qet a qirl friend

Xx Marc240 Xx writes: Get a life

Vive La Chatte writes: ur a dork

PaandemiK writes: u have no f*cking u greasy american!

XBeastly DemonX writes: Get a life!!!

Lil Dr Pooch writes: SUCK MY BALLS!!!!!!!

I lmpact l writes: u must be gay if you play hannah montana f*ckin flamer quit cheating c*nt scab

JPR01 writes: no your going to ruin batman arkham asylum addicted faggot

hydro pontic writes: wow ur such a lying f*cker you cheat at games ur not legit just admit it dont lie about it

jimmyMc2k9blad writes: hacker u hve 2 of the same titles lke uve gt BulletWitch on ter twice wit 999gs + another wierd name on twice
2nd message:and Wanted:WOF u dnt even hve legit gamerscore....pfft hackers nowadays...
3rd message: hw the hell u gt all those ¤ to buy all the map paks?
4th message: wtf GH5 is nt even out yet!

S83: I was playing GH5 on a Wednesday. a full day after release. As for the rest of your Q's, get your head out of your ass!

Irathrmnd III writes: hey they hate but man keep it up it dont even matter wat they say cause they searched you they found u they wanted 2 no who makes their score look like nothin and frankly they say you hav no lif but uv talked to 100 times more people then they hav GL

MYM NESTA writes: i love you . you are my hero

Nefastwo writes: Hey Stallion!, Hi ^^ I am Nefastwo, from Spain and you're my idol in achievements of Xbox 360, You can agree me in friends please? i dont speak english good... but understand english good xD, well... Good bye my friend ^^

xtantss writes: hey stallion keep up the good work and ignore all those haters.

Just Mtn Dew Me writes: Hey Stallion. Just wanted to say I'm rooting for you to hit the 1 million mark. What you're doing made me want to try to accomplish the same feat. Keep up the good work.

The1ShotSniper writes: yo omfg Stallion whats up bro? sick gamerscore. Hey howd you get it that high bro? ur a BEASTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTt

matt11141995 writes: finally! i have a game that i have more gamerscore then you in it its guitar hero aerosmith u have 875 and i have 890 well congrats on 358903 gamerscore if you can recommend some easy gamerscore games id really like it

KillerBEA3991 writes: just out of curiosity since you have played so many games which is your favorite game

S83: Multi player - Halo 3 Single player - Fallout 3

LAstSPartAn65 writes: All ur gamersore are belong to me!!!!!!!!!!! N00B

Jwmcpotsjr says:

KingJoe2323 says:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Party Chatter Chronicles

Sunday, September 6th.

The happenings inside the party chat.

Netflix instant que comes up and I mention the Leprechaun movies. Cru believes that in one of the movies the Leprechaun turns into a lawn mower with boobs to get some guys attention. Then proceeds to murder him with the boob blades.....

Piecing together her exact words: "Do you guys remember when the Leprechaun turned into a lawn mower with boobs and chopped some guy up?"

Here is what I found on youtube.

Sadly none of the Leprechaun movies are available on the nextflix instant que. :(

Omega Deez was intrigued by the whole netflix instant que thing he decided to try it out.

Majinfro and McTennis gang up on Rand al thor 19....They hate Barrack Obama... Rand defends ....Majinfro and Tennis continue to gang up on him saying Obama will turn into a robot and destroy the internetz...Tennis said, if Bush didn't fail so much he would've been considered one of the greatest Presidents of all time. This discussion went on for quite a bit. I probably missed half of it.

While playing Guitar Hero 5 we let apple flex his golden pipes. Needing more diamond challenges, I ask him about Under Pressure and if he could handle it. He replied in a sincere but scared voice "that's David Bowie"

Apple can't handle the Bowie.

I also meet Ritalin pwner for the first time in Guitar Hero. I think he needs a higher dosage of the stuff.

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Perfect Circle

Gamerscore 360

Thanks to stophj for giving me the Zombie Wrangler viral achievement which evened out my gamerscore. I figured I HAD to hit 360,000. It is the xbox 360 after all. 360 gamerscore points is a pretty small amount and 36,000 really doesn't look that well. 360,000! Now that holds some weight because it kind of makes me reflect on everything I have accomplished over the last 3+ years. One big circle. Whatever you have to say or think about me, I like my circle. That's all that matters to me. Hexic HD was the start of the circle, Raven Squad is the end.

Now I'm on a singular path. No more circles!(Unless the next xbox is really called the "720") There is bound to be bumps and probably some forks. I'm just happy now. I will use this time to sit back and reflect. Like at the top of a waterfall, I am looking down. The climb was tough, but gosh darn it, the view, the sweet fresh air, the wind hitting my face. This makes everything I once hated, totally worth it. I would do it all over again.

To everybody that helped me along the way, OOOOOO. Those are manly hugs!

For me, hitting 360,000 is greater than 200,000 or 300,000. Getting to 100,000 was like chapter 1. Reaching 360,000 feels like completing another one. The next chapter starts shortly, but I have no idea when it will end. I will just know.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dawn of the Downloadable

The horde's of downloadable content that's been unloaded is making those holes in my Swiss cheese gamercard even bigger. I'm pretty shocked at the amount of crap lurking on it for piles of monies. Most DLC is crap with the exceptions being maps for mutliplayer games you enjoy, some of the Fallout 3 stuff, and GTAIV. Everything else seems to be overpriced garbage. If you've played the Saints Row 2 DLC I hope you can agree.

Here is what I am missing and how much it would cost me to get these mostly easy achievements.

Gears of war 2: 3 achievements for 175 points DLC details: OWN it

Tomb Raider Underworld JP: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20 (Need Japanese MSP for this)

Transformers 2: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: Not sure what the pricing is

Banjo Kazooie N&B: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 400MSP=$5

Red faction Guerrilla: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 800MSP=$10

Call of duty W@W: 20 achievements 500 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20

Prince of Persia: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 800MSP=$10

Halo 3: 20 achievements 500 points DLC details: Buy Halo ODST $60

Halo Wars: 8 achievements 200 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20

Fallout 3: 18 achievements 450 DLC details: 3200MSP=$40

Tomb Raider Underworld: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20

Mirror's Edge: 6 achievements 250 points DLC details: 800MSP=$20

Scene it BOS!: 8 achievements 250 points DLC details: 560MSP=$7

Marble Blast Ultra: 2 achievements 40 points DLC details: 400MSP=$5

Fable 2: 16 achievements 350 points DLC details: 1360MSP=$17

The force unleashed: 12 achievements 345 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20

Beautiful Katamari: 3 achievements 250 points DLC details: It could be more but at least 800MSP=$10

Marathon: 4 achievements 50 points DLC details: 800MSP=$10 (BIG WTF)

Lost Odyssey: 6 achievements 100 points DLC details: 400MSP=$5

GRID: 4 achievements 100 points DLC Details: 800MSP=$10

GTA IV: 5 achievements 250 points, fixing to be a total of 500 points DLC details: 3200MSP=$40

Overlord: 1 achievement 50 points DLC details: OWNED

Mass Effect: 3 achievements 150 points DLC details: 400MSP=$5

The Godfather: 2 achievements 50 points DLC details: OWN it

Burnout Paradise: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: Not sure what you have to buy but it's at least 1400MSP=$18

Bioshock: 1 achievement 100 points DLC details: Not sure how much.

Band of bugs: 3 achievements 50 points DLC details: again, not sure. I know this is not free.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance: 4 achievements 90 points DLC details: OWN it

Samurai Warriors 2 XL: 8 achievements 250 points DLC details: 2400MSP=$30 (WTF)

Phantasy Star Universe: 5 achievements 250 points DLC details: 800MSP=$10

Kameo: 24 achievements DLC details: Not sure, it could be free.

Tomb Raider Legend: 10 achievements 250 points DLC details: 1600MSP=$20

Achievemnts missing: 266
Gamerscore missing: 6,775
Cost in MSP: 28,920+
Cost in dollars: $361+ for MSP $60 for halo ODST +tax=$450+

I am in no way against DLC but I am against overpriced fluff DLC.

To get that 90% completion I eventually want, I would just have to spend roughly $450 on crap. That would put me right around 89% gamerscore completion.

You may want to watch what you play in the future. Any game can and will come up out of it's grave and unleash crappy DLC on your face.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

THE253sGREATEST writes: i saw ur video.. if u got a real job u could get a nice tv and house instead of being addicted. WHAT DO U DO 4 A LIVING? I GET ACHIEVEMENTS HAHAHAHA
2nd message:YOU ARE A LOSER!!!!!! full 1000 in madden 10 god almighty. please play me in ufc so i can kick your ass so you dont have the satisfaction of getting an achievement you loser hahahahaha get a life

S83: That was the TV at the cabin or resort I stayed at....not mine

xTBM TaLeNTzZx writes: Your a f**king queer c**t and you need to get out more f**k sake man sort your sh*tty f**king life out you smelly fat american b*****d sad c**t. You have no f**king social life that doesnt involve your f**king xbox 360 now that is f**king sad.

Donkey Spoof writes: you will die alone

IN IE V II IN S writes: Wow, rape more gamerscore you sad c*nt. Turn your xbox off every once in a while.

FallenxxSoldier writes: you have absolutely no life... sorry but its true

HerbalCardshark writes: u hav no life!

BEASTLY NOOBxxx writes: nice gamerscore ever had sex?


Adam4ever writes: you are my idol.

Vx ST0RM xV wrties: i love u

Hot Glue writes: Envy Mode [on] off

woolybaabaa writes: Your the xbox god !

COSMIC SAMURAI writes: you are truely an achievement god!!

LEgiTxP3RS14NxX writes: my friend rudy has a crush on u

Kitty Jerker123 writes: YOU ARE GOD

Sniper Sam 07 writes: (clap)(clap) well done good god your profile is amazing

youngmaxwell941 writes: Dude ur a fu**in beast. Good luck on 1mill

meowmixmix writes: when i saw ur gamerscore i had a sudden urge to make out with u. love ur secret admirer.

Ham105 writes: you are the god of gamerscore i will be checking 1 million GS till it is done congrats on the 1/3 mark

TERPaholic writes: Hey dude love your blog and everything. Keep up the good work and don't let the haters bring you down. Peace.

Havk1nKn1ght writes: dude ur sick man keep it up i think that its super tight. cant wait to see 500,000 u got my support. you gotta be a master to get some of the crap u have got. good luck and dont worry about the haters just enjoy what you do man. -HavkinKnight

S83: Thank you all for the kind words.

billyjimmy4726 writes:my name is william and i like finger nail ppppppollish

S83:Rand al?

o iTwiSteD o writes: yo yo yo stallion whats good bro call xbox get this kid reset yo i need u rank 1 in the world f*ck this profile glitcher

S83: I think they got rid of whoever you are talking about.

WWAR SKYWALK3R writes: r u the guy with the GAMERSCORE

S83:I guess I'm the dude with the gamerscore.

Furious Gunman writes: I have a question that you'll look at and not give it a second thought, but then later you will find out that this is the most enlightening question you have heard. My question: Why? Such a simple question yet so much meaning. Reply if you want to.

S83: To be honest with you, there really is no simple answer.

TW1STED INSANE writes: which gamesaving site are you joined up to? and how did you learn to HEX edit good enough to not get reset!!!!!

S83: None and I don't have the slightest clue on how to HEX anything.

xGrenadeJumper7 writes: Don't you ever feel like giving up? You're just so far away, it takes real determination to do what you do.

S83: The thought has crossed my mind in the past but that was a while ago. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Big Kahuna


That is how many points per day I need to reach 400,000 before the clock strikes 12 midnight on January 1, 2010. For whatever reason, I want to hit 400,000 before next year. I told Rand al Thor I wanted to do it about a month and a half ago and he said it couldn't be done.

As I am writing this I have exactly 356,008. I need 43,992 in 135 days to reach 400,000. I feel like I can make it for a few reasons. The massive amount of games being released within the next 3-4 months, not to mention the overall quality of the games are generally better. Another reason being I am in a groove. A groove that has eluded me for years. I wish I could tell you "How Stallion got his groove back" but for whatever reason I feel like I could even pop pimp my ride in and swallow it whole without hating myself. I usually feel worn out after a gamerscore league is complete. I am going to ride this wave like the Big Kahuna.

I am also sitting on exactly 499 games played. I'm not sure when I will pop in another one for 500. It will be either Wolfy, Shadow Complex, BCF, or The new Batman game.

Completion % mumbo jumbo. I care and I don't care about it. I just think it would be silly to avoid a game that I know I would enjoy just because it is damn near impossible to complete. Before the gamerscore league started I was closing in on 90%. While the league was going on I somehow managed to drop it below 85%. I basically killed it with about 5 or 6 games I played for maybe an hour or less a piece. I've been able to resuscitate it somewhat and now it is back to 86.50%. I guess I will try to get it to 90% and keep it there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The MachiNe Team wins H2H GSL Season 5

It's not official yet so I don't have the final scores. I will post stats and other things once they are made official.

I just want to thank a few people for making it possible. The MachiNes, Cru, Mango, Rand, Fro, Omega, Apple, and Tennis. Last but not least, Console Heroes. If you have been following my blog you may recall the bad taste season 4 left in my mouth. All that bitterness is now gone and Console Heroes has a good gamerscore league that I can highly recommend.

Not much is known about he future of the MachiNes, but I have a feeling we will be back in some fashion.

Smrnov hit em in the mouth on the final day and I thought this video might be fitting. Thanks to smrnov for providing the home video. I can't believe they ganged up on you like this man. The part where Danny Dibo tells Tommy to put you in a body bag was really uncalled for.

More info when scores become official.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A day in the life

H2H Gamerscore league Finals: Day 1 The MachiNe Team VS You got a Bad Draw

We face off against a single team for 4 days.

5:40 am -- I've run my course. 13 achievements 150 points in Wanted weapons of fate GR. Not sure how many achievements I unlocked, but I scored over 5,300. Spent.

4:56am -- still playing Wanted. Getting REALLY tired

4:04am -- Installed Wanted weapons of fate GR. Playing that now.

3:42am -- 2 achievements unlocked for 130 in hot wheels beat that. Don't know what is next.

2:58am -- Had a Yogurt and a piece of bread lol. Got a vitamin water 10 also.

2:51am -- starving, going to find something to eat.

2:49am -- switching to PAL console to play Hot wheel beat that french.

2:44am -- 31 achievements for 890 in NaTM. Getting tired. over 5,000 for the day.

12:36am -- 3 achievements for 140 points in ice age. Got more water. Onto NatM

12:22am -- xbox live is back up for me. Still playing Ice Age, going to get something in this before i switch.

11:57 -- I hooked up my Japanese system to see if it would connect to live and no dice. I am going to hook back up my American system and farm for berries in ice age since I spent them like a jackass. Hopefully live comes back soonish....

11:49 -- Next time I do a big day like this I will wait until live goes down before I shower.

11:40 -- I blame avatar clothing and items for this downtime.

11:36 -- I feel like a race horse at the starting gate. Just let me out! *Nose Flare*

11:32 -- I guess xbox live is down for many people. Thanks for ruining my flow M$. I had 5k today in my sights.

11:09 -- I think I just got screwed by the xbox live preview program. I hit cancel and I think it just canceled on my American system

11:06 -- Can't connect to xbox live.

10:52 -- blah, I can't believe i bought multiplayer items with my berries. wtf. 22 achievements unlocked for 505. Night at the freaking Museum next.

10:20 -- Still going with ice age. Messed up by buying stuff I didn't need. :( I didn't know you had to buy crystals , I bought everything BUT crystals. Going to eat some pizza.

9:25 -- Still plugging away at ice age. Still have a little monster left.

7:43 -- Playing Ice age

7:41 -- up to 3,500 so far today

7:35 -- took a shower. Had a weak sauce work out with 120 sit-ups (my mind said get to 5k and you can do this tomorrow) More water, when i mention water I am drinking 20oz clips. Had a salad with ranch and a few cherries. I'm just getting started. Unleashed the secret weapon which is a monster energy drink. This is some good stuff.

6:57 -- 2 achievements for 125 in SBK. Break from xbox time. Maybe a little bit of exercise and shower. I will unleash the secret weapon when I return.

6:22 -- 1 achievement 50 points in SBK.

6:13 -- switching to Smerican xbox and SBK. Getting more water

6:04 -- 3 achievements for 260 in Tomb Raider Underworld JP. Missed the final relic somehow, gonna go back and get it.

5:09 -- Tomb Raider Underworld JP time

5:04 -- 3 achievements unlocked for 60 points in BiA HH JP

4:57 -- 1 achievement 100 points in BiA HH JP. Don't know what is next yet.

4:47 -- Playing BiA HH JP

4:45 -- had pastrami & turkey on wheat,Low fat cottage cheese and Raspberries.

4:30 -- Lonely? You might want to import Time Leap, it's a dating sim. 1 achievement for 180 points. TL is done. Going to uninstall this garbage and install BiA: HH JP. I will eat while it installs.

4:02 -- Got more water

3:55pm -- 1 achievement worth 180 unlocked in Time leap. 1 more character to go. It's almost time to break out the secret weapon.

3:25pm -- 33 achievements unlocked for 950 in Sega Mega. Returning to the living room and Japanese xbox to play time leap. Getting warmer.

3:14pm -- Still going at Sega Mega

2:17pm -- Making good progress but I have a massive headache.

1:41pm -- Switching to Sega Mega and having a cascadian farm organic chocolate chip granola bar. Just warming up.

1:36pm -- Hot wheels french is boring me to death. 3 achievements unlocked for 130. Going to get more water then maybe switch to Sega mega drive collection.

12:34pm -- Time leap will have to wait. Moving to the bedroom where my PAL 360 is hooked up for some Hot Wheels french toast.

12:12pm -- Still time leaping. 1 more achievement worth 180 point unlocked.

11:31am -- 2 achievements for 360 in time leap. Going to fill up on water and brush my grill. Then back to time leap.

10:49am -- Had a bowl of kashi honey sunshine cereal with skim milk. Got a bottle of water and hooked up Japanese xbox for time leap.

10:43am -- Didn't have to watch the credit roll. Still going to eat.

10:40am -- Eating while the credits roll. 7 achievements unlocked for 200 points in G-force

10:16am -- Going to play G-force instead. Forgot about it.

10:13am -- Enough of that. 5 achievements for 75 points in uno rush. Hooking up Japanese 360 for time leap.

9:45am -- 7 achievements for 370 points in ski-doo. Uno rush next.

9:06am -- Gets another cup of coffee

9:02am -- 6 achievements for 110 points in NatM. Putting in ski-doo

8:48am -- 1 achievement 100 points in SBK. Puts in Night at the Museum

8:32am -- not looking forward to all this today. It's going to be a grind.

8:27am -- 1 achieve 25 points. Pops in SBK

8:21am -- Puts in high school musical 3: Senior year

8:19am -- It's on like Donkey Kong: 1 achievement 40 points. Gears 2

8:17:am -- Smrnov and tj have us off to a good start

8:14:am -- Coffee done! pops in gears of war 2

8:05 AM -- Making some Coffee, turned on my American 360.

8:00:AM -- Just woke up and slept good (5 hours)

Monday, August 3, 2009

The MachiNe Team makes GSL Finals

We will be facing You got a Bad Draw in Season 5 H2HGSL finals over at Console Heroes. The action begins this Thursday. I will be doing another "a day in the life" all day Thursday. Go MachiNes!

All your messages are belong to me

Ever wonder what it is like being my xbox live inbox? Wonder no more.

Click on the cards for larger view.

S83: Hands down, Hannah.

S83: No, but I have a fat E-wenis.

S83: I'll pass

S83: I will try

S83: I think I would take Kobe 100 out of 100 times. He would do the same to me on the court.