Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Gamerscore Popcast 150: Blumpkin Pie

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)

State of Decay and Saints Row IV coming to Xbox One in 2015, Assassin's Creed Unity delayed, Dragon Age: Inquisition gets multiplayer, you can now pre-load Destiny on Xbox One, Titanfall Update 6, Games with Gold for September announced.

Games covered:
Metro Redux
Madden 15
Stick it to the Man
The Walking Dead Season 2
Diablo 3: UEE
Infamous First light

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #150 (right click to save as)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Gamerscore Popcast 149: Diablo

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)

Diablo 3: UEE, Metro Redux, Xbox One now supports pre-loading, Resident Evil 2 Revelations possible leak.

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #149 (right click to save as)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gamerscore Popcast 148: Gamescom 2014

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)

Today marks 3 years of the Gamerscore Popcast! We want to thank our listeners for all of your support. Keep on achieving!

Gamescom news and reveals, Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox exclusive in 2015, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and White Xbox One Bundles announced. Tons of games covered.

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #148 (right click to save as)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Gamerscore Popcast 147: The Year of The Remastered Continues

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)

Evolve pushed until next year, White Xbox One Sunset Overdrive bundle confirmed, Assassin's Creed Rogue made official and Resident Evil getting a remake of a remake?

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #147 (right click to save as)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Gamerscore Popcast #146 - The Week Destiny killed Xbox LIVE

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)

EA Access announced for Xbox One, Destiny beta played by a ton of people ultimately bringing Xbox LIVE to it's knees, Pinball FX2 achievement details and why the delay was a good thing.

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #146 (right click to save as)