Sunday, August 25, 2013

Gamerscore Popcast 101: Saints Row IV

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)
Pigimus Prime (Anthony)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)

All Xbox One Launch Titles Announced, Saints Row IV, Winner of PayDay2 Giveaway.

Download Music from the Gamerscore Popcast Vol. 1 on iTunes or Amazon
FREE Audible Audio Book Download Offer

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #101 (right click to save as)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gamerscore Popcast 100: The Podcast of the Generation Edition

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)
Pigimus Prime (Anthony)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)

Xbox One WILL NOT require Kinect to work, Charlie Murder and some old bloopers.

Download Music from the Gamerscore Popcast Vol. 1 on iTunes or Amazon
FREE Audible Audio Book Download Offer

Email: Voice Mail: 424-256-6512

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #100 (right click to save as)


Three ways to enter and you can enter in all three to give yourself a better chance at nabbing the prize.

1) Comment below with your guess on what the total combined gamerscore of the 5 hosts will be at the start of the next podcast, which is Saturday, August 24th, 2013. Don't forget to include your gamertag.
2) Do the same for THIS Facebook post and make sure you LIKE and SHARE the post as well.
3) Twitter: Tweet the Hashtag #GamerscorePopcast100 along with your guess.

Closest to the actual number without going over takes the prize and the winner will be revealed on episode 101.

The game is region free so this giveaway is open to all.
You have until Wednesday midnight PST to enter.

Good Luck!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Gamerscore Popcast 99: Achievements Will Stack Between 360 & Xbox One

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
Rand al Thor 19 (Matt)
Pigimus Prime (Anthony)

Every Xbox One WILL now come with a headset, Games that are on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One will have separate achievement lists. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Achievement Guide.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Pre-order Xbox One
Next-Gen Games

Call  424-256-6512 to leave us a message.


Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #99 (right click to save as)


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gamerscore Popcast #98: That Mile Thingy

Appearing on this show:
Stallion83 (Ray)
Omega Deez (Chris)
BL4CK SiLv4 (Khamakha)
Pigimus Prime (Anthony)

The Walking Dead, Xbox One to withstand the abuse of 10 years, Bioshock Infinite DLC and announcing The Gamerscore Popcast Soundtrack Vol.1.

Pre-order Xbox One
Next-Gen Games

Call  424-256-6512 to leave us a message.


Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #98 (right click to save as)
