Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Thingamabob

Check out my very first IGN article: My Top 10 Achievements from August list  

That will be a monthly article so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I think it was much funnier before it hit the editors desk, but what do I know?

Still, I'm very happy to be writing for the biggest gaming website in the entire world. :)

I finally got some good quality gaming in last night. I played a few hours of Madden 12 and picked up a few whoppers with cheese. 
I know what the ladies like....err...dudes. My achievements bring all the boys to the yard...

Madden is a buggy mess at the moment, it's constantly freezing up, but not to the point where it locks your system up completely. Thank goodness! The menus just get hung up and sometimes that will last for several minutes.

Thanks EA Tiburon! Now I need a hair piece to cover up my bald dome.

I also played a little Fight Game Rivals which is the new Windows Phone 7 game this week. I don't have a lot of good things to say about it. Achievement-wise it seems easy but long because of:



Win all tournaments with all fighters

Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu

Log in for 10 consecutive days

Fighting Master

Fighting Master

Buy all skills of every available fighter

I'm trying to get myself tuned up for an upcoming gamerscore league so I don't go into shock once I start gaming a lot more. Over the last 5 weeks I've only scored a total of 8,193 points. 

That seems like weak sauce to the max.

Achievement Bounty 8-30-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-30-2011 
(2 Achievements) (40 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from ilomilo.

Total Gamerscore: 604,165

Total Achievements: 25,112 
Total Games Played: 888
Total Completed Games: 513

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Achievement Bounty 8-29-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-29-2011 
(6 Achievements) (215 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Fallout: New Vegas and ilomilo.

Total Gamerscore: 604,125

Total Achievements: 25,110 
Total Games Played: 888
Total Completed Games: 513

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #3

On Episode 3 of The Gamerscore Popcast, Piggy is out this week soaking up the sun in Spain with his two best-est friends; a women's thong and a bottle of muscle juice (baby oil).  Stallion83,  StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty are left to hold down the fort, one of the four may be slightly drunk and another may of just got out of the ER 12 hours prior to recording. Can you say disaster?

We discuss games from the PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) Prime show floor, gaming highlights and low lights of the week, give an update on the week to week leaderboards, all your questions are belong to us, and omega gets in the hot seat for the host introduction segment. And much, much more.

Game Giveaway
We are giving away a FULL copy of Alan Wake, all you have to do is listen to the show for details on how to win it. It is the Download code for the FULL game. An amazing game that you probably should of played by now, but if you haven't, nothing beats free.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Make sure to stick around after the outro music for the always entertaining bloopers reel.

Some of the audio ended up being a little iffy, nothing too major, just not perfect. Re-recording wasn't in the cards since StophJ is firmly entrenched at PAX Prime.

Stream Below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #3 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

Achievement Bounty 8-28-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-28-2011 
(4 Achievements) (55 Gamerscore)

Total Gamerscore: 603,910
Total Achievements: 25,100? (roughly, lost count)
Total Games Played: 887
Total Completed Games: 513

Daily Untitled Blog Post

I haven't done much gaming over the last couple of days but I plan to change that soon. I have both Madden 12 and Bodycount ready to play and there are also a truck load of arcade games being released tomorrow. DeathSpank returns with the Baconing which is the arcade highlight for me. We also get a new game for the Windows Phone 7.

Check out the IGN feature about me, How to Hit a Million Achievement Points

I must say, it was short and to the point, and I did not write the titles for those like Start Early ect. It was the authors views, not my own.

If he had said, tell me how you're going to get to a million and what does it take? The article would've been completely different.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just A Blog

I didn't get much gaming in yesterday for reasons mentioned in a previous blog post, but I got a little further into Deus Ex. It's probably a game you should pick up right now if you enjoy action, shooter, stealth or rpg games. Seriously, it's one of the best single player experiences around and very much worthy of a purchase. It's tight!

We, as in we I mean Phatal1ty, talk a lot more about Deus Ex on the next episode of The Gamerscore Popcast which was recorded from 4am to 7am EST earlier today. Talk about a horrible time to record, I may of said all of 5 words the entire show, hi and possibly bye, so don't expect much of anything from me. I really wasn't up for talking at all, but I wanted to be there.  Episode 3 will more than likely be posted on Sunday and on the show you will find details on how to win a download code for Alan Wake. Brilliant game if you haven't played it yet, so thanks to phatal1ty for providing that awesome treat for our listeners.

The blog post from yesterday was a good test for my facebook fans, nobody liked it, which in this specific case, was a good thing. :)

Time to play some games and work on a larger article, bounty from yesterday incoming.

Achievement Bounty 8-26-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-26-2011 
(8 Achievements) (200 Gamerscore)

Total Gamerscore: 603,855
Total Achievements: 25,054
Total Games Played: 887
Total Completed Games: 513

Friday, August 26, 2011

Good News, Bad News

I've got the feeling again! Well, sort of. At least I know it's coming back if I was able to finish off Army of Two (EU) without much fuss.

The Fruit Ninja Kinect Strom Season DLC is a breeze and for 160MSP, it's hard to say no to cheap DLC. It's not really going to add much to your Fruit slicing experience.

I really need to put some time into Deus Ex before we record The Gamerscore Popcast in the wee hours Friday night/Saturday morning. I keep hearing great things.

Bad news

So I'm peachy, except for the fact I spent most of the night in the ER getting pricked and prodded.

Don't let Army of Two do this to you
The story goes:

Leg is hurting in bed, so I wake up to take some Tylenol to ease the pain. Take two of those with a glass of water and about 30 seconds later my brain feels oxygen-less and I become dizzy. I stumble back into the bedroom like a drunken sailor, with a pounding headache, I feel like a black out is imminent. I tell Cindy that she may want to call the doctor and then I fall and hit the back of my head on the dresser. I collapsed.

They tested me for all kinds of stuff and I checked out A-okay. Obviously that was some great news. I guess I just can't handle all of two Tylenol. I have that Pussy Cat Blood running through my veins, take notes.

It was all sorts of scary because nothing like this has ever happened to me, EVER. I feel really bad for Cindy, she thought the worst, as I was extremely cold and not being all that responsive.

I wasn't going to mention this at all, thought it might make me look vulnerable but shit happens.

Good News

Yesterday I did a phone interview with someone from a very popular gaming website that most have probably heard about. That article/feature/interview/story will go up sometime next week after all the PAX hype dies down. (listen to pax hype on the next episode of The Gamerscore Popcast, this Sunday!)

They also want me to do a bit of writing for them, so I'm super stoked about getting the opportunity and would be a retard to say no. I'm very grateful for the chance.

Why does good news always have to be followed by bad news? Seems to happen more often than it should.

Achievement Bounty 8-25-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-25-2011 
(12 Achievements) (165 Gamerscore)

Total Gamerscore: 603,655
Total Achievements: 25,046
Total Games Played: 883
Total Completed Games: 512

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Achievement Bounty Catch Up 8-17 - 8-24

Achievement Bounty 8-17-2011 - 8-24-2011
Sorry for the lack of updates....again. It seems like every 100,000 I need a chill out period just to get back on track. I'm not quite sure if I have fully recovered yet, but I want to be. There's always a difference between wanting and knowing. My mind and body, for reasons I will explain, are just not ready yet. I'm like in a all systems shutdown mode due to overheating.

I read a few people comment about how I can't do what I've been doing by myself. Not just the gaming part, but everything. This is why I suffer at certain points, I am alone, and I just get fatigued. I basically kill myself by going the extra mile on everything I do, that's just me. This blog might turn out to be the diaries of a mad man (maybe it already is?) if I don't learn to throttle myself.

I still have such a long ways to go but yet I want to celebrate. Being on top for almost 5 years now is reason to boogie down to me. I knew this journey would be a challenge of wills and it's actually 1,000 times harder than I imagined. So excuse me if I'm dancing in the streets naked once I do get to the ultimate goal, which I believe to be the holy grail of all gaming goals. 

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll get my mojo back at or around September the 10th.

Achievements obtained from: Fruit Ninja Kinect, ionBallEX, Sudoku, Gears of War 2 (JP), Minesweeper, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2, NCAA Football 12, and Deus Ex: HR.

Total Gamerscore: 603,490
Total Achievements: 25,080
Total Games Played: 887
Total Completed Games: 515

Thanks to RedBull for hooking me up with this sweet looking DS!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #2

On Episode 2 of The Gamerscore Popcast, Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty discuss gaming highlights and low lights of the week, gaming news, and we all reveal our very first love, our first achievement ever. Pig sits in the hot seat for a new feature called get to know your hosts. And so much more.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Stick around again after the outro music for the bloopers reel.

Thanks to the thousands of people around the world for downloading the first episode. Thanks so much for your love and support!

Stream it below

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #2 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - ZuneRSS

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Gamerscore Popcast: Episode #1

On the first episode of The Gamerscore Popcast, Stallion83, Pigimus Prime, StophJ, Omega Deez, and Phatal1ty talk it up about hot upcoming Xbox 360 releases, past gamerscore milestones, favorite achievements, the amount of gamerscore one could obtain in a 24 hour period if you started from scratch, and much more. We also let a nub in.

Comments, questions, and feedback are more than welcome.

Stick around after the outro for the bloopers reel.

Download Link: The Gamerscore Popcast - Episode #1 (right click to save as)

Subscribe: iTunes - RSS

Achievement Bounty 8-16-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-16-2011 
(5 Achievements) (115 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Sudoku and Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2

Total Gamerscore: 602,380
Total Achievements: 25,034
Total Games Played: 883
Total Completed Games: 511

Debating on starting another leapfrog...

Achievement Bounty 8-15-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-15-2011 
(8 Achievements) (120 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from Fruit Ninja Kinect

Total Gamerscore: 602,265
Total Achievements: 25,029
Total Games Played: 883
Total Completed Games: 511

Achievement Bounty 8-14-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-14-2011 
(1 Achievement) (20 Gamerscore)

Achievement obtained from Army of Two (EU)

Total Gamerscore: 602,145
Total Achievements: 25,021
Total Games Played: 882
Total Completed Games: 511

Achievement Bounty 8-13-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-13-2011 
(19 Achievements) (480 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from: Army of Two (EU) and Sudoku.

Total Gamerscore: 602,125
Total Achievements: 25,020

Total Games Played: 882
Total Completed Games: 511

Playing catch up with the bounties.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Achievement Bounty 8-12-2011

Achievement Bounty 8-12-2011 
(9 Achievements) (230 Gamerscore)

Achievements obtained from Army of Two (Asia)

Total Gamerscore: 601,645
Total Achievements: 25,001
Total Games Played: 882
Total Completed Games: 511